Adult Group Classes 14+
Ed Parker created a system to be personalized to the individual. Every person will come to Arnott Kenpo Karate with different goals. Some will want come for just pure self-defense - learning what moves make them safest, what works best for their particular size and skills. Others will come and work every move over and over so that they can develop as artists in this Martial Art. Most others will try to find a balance between the hard hitting self defense moves and the beautiful flow of katas. Whatever your goals, we can help you achieve them.
You'll control the pace and level of contact in your training.
Level of Contact and Control
Trying to learn karate without some level of contact is like trying to learn to swim without getting in the water. However, the key to being an effective Martial Artist is Control. That control begins with the self - gaining mastery over eye/hand/foot coordination with changing and moving targets. It means control over power and range. That control comes with time and training, so that as we train, it's the first thing we practice.
And how we practice becomes very personalized. You'll gravitate naturally to those who share the same goals as you. Do you like going a bit harder? Or do you just want to immerse yourself in the Self Defense aspects and focus on the finer details of getting out of grabs and holds?
Whether you are here to learn basic urban self defense or to leave it all on the mat, we work together around shared and unique goals for an optimal training experience.
Fitness Goals
Fitness is beneficial to life and the foundation of a happy existence. Not only will it help your martial arts, but the quality of day - by increasing energy and lessening stress levels. We start every class with conditioning, as a foundation to your martial arts training.
Achieving Rank
Every class begins with group warm ups, then moves on to flexibility, strength and coordination exercises. Then we break off into small groups to practice techniques and our kata.
Every rank has specific requirements, and each of these requirements are listed on cards that you can use to track your progress. Once you have met these requirements, it's time to test. There are test days every 3 months. As you go up in rank, you can choose to test at any time. During the test you will demonstrate what you have learned, and perform your kata.
By the time you have finished, you will be exhausted, you will know what you are capapble of, and you will feel immensely proud. And that is when you are presented with your new rank.
We work very hard to make you better than you were when you walked in. Tell us your goals, and let us help you achieve them.