Requirements for Rank of 2nd Degree Brown Belt
Look below for an overview of rank requirements. If you have any questions, bring them to class so we can work through them.
2nd Degree Brown Belt Katas and Sets:
Adult Card
Long Form 4
Staff Set
Kids Card
Staff Set
2nd Degree Brown Belt Techniques
For an overview of all belt requirements, download the 2nd Degree Brown card here.
Use the typefaces to help you scan quickly:
All stances are in bold
Each foot change is in italics
Each strike is underlined
In all two-man techniques, anything relating solely to the left or to the forward attacker will be in green, and anything relating to the right or to the rear attacker will be in red. This will always refer to the original position (at the moment of attack), not necessarily where they are facing at the moment described. The originally green guy will remain green; the red guy will remain red.
These techniques work best in a printed manual, designed to be worked with on the mat. They are printed with a spiral binding, large enough so that you stand a good chance of reading them if the book is open on the mat as you work the technique. Each technique is formatted to cover only one page (you need never turn a page in the brief or skeletal descriptions of the technique), although the discussions do cross pages. The printed versions will always have the latest comments and developments, and are printed only as you order them. Click on KENPO KARATE MANUALS to visit the publisher's site.
(two-hand low grab or push)
Step into him with a double punch to the belly, then knock down his hands and backnuckle his head, knock down his hands and stab to eyes, then your crossed hands grab his shoulders as you kick him with your left knee and right knee, turning him around as your right foot lands back, rebounding to right knee kick to his back, ending with a left side kick to knee.
1) natural stance, R foot step to 12 o’clock R neutral bow, spreading out his hands with outward circling double crane
-double dragon knuckle strikes to ribs
-cross R over L, push down hands in forward moving circles
-crossed double backnuckles to temples (R to R, L to L)
-still crossed R over L, again push down hands in forward moving circles
-double eye stabs (R to R, L to L)
2) keeping arms crossed, drop R hand to grab R shoulder, L hand to grab L shoulder
-L knee to groin
-L foot land forward next to R foot
-R knee to solar plexus
-R foot land back to 4:30 L neutral bow
-turn him around with a rolling choking pull that begins pulling in with your L hand as your R forearm rolls across his throat. Then L push forward as your R pulls back and lets go and cocks by your R ear for a
3) R inward handsword to neck
-regrab shoulders from behind; L to L, R to R
4) R knee to spine
-land next to L foot
-L knee to kidney
-L snapping side kick to back of R knee
-L foot land to 1:30, L front crossover and out
This presents the same attack as Hooking Wings, and the opening is similar to Hooking Wings in the way you clear his grabbing hands. But instead of hopping back, you step in. The reasons to choose one over the other might be environmental - you may have no way to safely hop back, or you may simply prefer wings or crosses. • As you land back from the first left knee kick, begin the left pushing turn. This right foot stepping back assists the turn. The foot moves of (2) are essentially simply a switch. • The rolling choking turn sounds far more complicated to explain than it is to do. Begin by pulling back on the left as you push out with your right forearm, rolling that forearm into his throat, crushing the trachea (if you are dummying for this technique, always duck your chin into this forearm turn). As you turn his back towards you, and his left shoulder passes you, begin to push with your left. At this point, some students, such as Mike Ortiz, use the left hand to check forward on the left shoulder, grabbing the chin with the right hand, pulling as the left pushes, breaking the neck. Whether you break the neck or simply go into the right inward handsword, or cut directly to the shoulder grab, you then finish the technique with the knee kicks and snapping side kick. • The strikes and checks of (1) move in a continuous circle, ending in the shoulder grab. • This turn is similar to the one you learned at the end of finger set. • Roll the right forearm into the trachea as you turn him, collapsing the windpipe. Whenever you dummy for this, no matter how friendly you are with the student doing the technique, duck your chin. Always. • There is no reason not to make the regrab of the shoulders after the turn into strikes, at least a right inward handsword to the neck, maintaining a left checking grab as you strike before the chicken knee kick. Another option at this point is to grab his chin with your right as you push with the left, breaking the neck.
(step through left punch)
Evading his punch with a left offstep (and left vertical block), right step through forward behind him, your arms twirling through a right hammerfist to the head, left elbow to the ribs, right hammerfist to the ribs - then grab his right wrist with your right hand as you right step back, pulling him into a right sweep kick as your left hand holds his head for a right uppercut then claws over across his face as your kicking foot steps right back to the neutral bow, and out.
1) L neutral bow L foot offstep to 1 o’clock to L front rotating twist stance
-with L extended outward block above L elbow
2) R foot step through to 2 o’clock to R neutral bow
-with R looping overhead backnuckle to R mastoid
-L check at arm
3) R check at shoulder
L inward horizontal elbow to ribs
4) L check
-R inward downward hammerfist through L kidney, grab R wrist
-L heel palm to back of head
5) R step through in reverse to 5 o’clock to L neutral bow
-pulling him with you via R wrist grab
-as L hand push on R shoulder
6) R front crossover sweep kick to R leg land forward to R front twist stance as you
-R vertical punch to head
-as L hand holds head for sandwich
7) R step through back to 4 o’clock to L neutral bow as your
-L hand circles cw around head, claw face (with step through)
8) L foot step through to 6 o’clock to R neutral bow
-R two finger stab to eyes, guiding in above L hand
L check
The speed in this technique will come when you simply rebound back from the sweep kick. You are in your neutral bow, then snap out the kick to the knee, and land right back the neutral bow, the right uppercut punch and left claw happen very fast. • Twirling Hammers works equally well as a left flank attack. That first step is a gauging step, depending on how far through your attacker is stepping. If it is a deep step through you’re first step might well be to 3 o’clock, since you wouldn’t need to start moving behind him, since he’s already helping you out. • You pivot, or rotate, into a rotating twist stance, and step into any other twist stance. • Your left hand first comes up as a parry, palm facing right, then turning clockwise to an extended outward block. • The right arm moves in a continual twirling loop, hammerfist through check to hammerfist. The check is mighty cursory. That final strike may draw his right hand back to cover his damaged kidney, thus allowing you to grab it, but don’t count on it. The most difficult part of this technique is this hand grab. Punch through the kidney and grab the wrist, your hand on top. Your forearm on top of his, keeping him close to you as you step back, pushing him down as you do, ensures your control, more than just relying on the power of your grip. • A straight yank back should easily dislocate the shoulder. Be careful working this routine, since a straight yank back could easily dislocate the shoulder. • As you land from the reverse step through, pulling the right wrist, the left heel palm strikes the head and immediately grabs it as your right foot rebounds in with the sweeping kick and the right hand punches up for the sandwich. • The clockwise face claw might need to become a counterclockwise finger stab, if the attacker has reached up his hands to grab onto your right hand after the vertical punch to the head. In that case, for the second part of (7), with you right step through to a left neutral bow, try this:
L hand circles clockwise under R hand to L two finger stab to eyes
The right hand continues the circling eye stab, much like the eye stabs in Long Form Two. You may simply prefer this “what if”, and use it instead of the overhead claw, particularly if you’re worried about breaking a nail.
(right front kick)
Step back right foot, grabbing his kick and pulling it off to your left, hitting him in the head (as he falls forward) with a right downward backnuckle, left heelpalm, right front kick, right upward backnuckle, then fold him up with a left front kick to the groin, landing a bit left to allow a right outward crescent, right roundhouse kick back and forth to the face.
1) natural stance, grab kicking foot at ankle and pulling past L hip, L hand crane hook on bottom, R hand securing check on top
- R foot step to 4:30 to L neutral bow
2) throw foot off back L, circling R hand clockwise to R downward backnuckle through head to R hip
-L heelpalm to head, grab hair and hold head
3) R step through snapping front kick to face
-land feet together natural stance knees bent
-with R upward backnuckle to face
4) L snapping front kick to groin
-land offstep to 9’oclock narrow horse stance
5) R outward crescent kick to R side of face
6) land to 3 o’clock, rebound to R roundhouse kick to L side of face
Pull him off balance with the left crane/right grab, canceling his height and depth. This is also a very good way to damage his knees, and unless he’s warmed up, give him a groin pull. If you’ve got a good grip on his foot you can do considerable damage with a good shuffle backward as your first step. • The heel palm could go to the back of the head or the right mastoid, depending on his reaction to the kick. • Also depending on his reaction to the kick, you may be better off landing back to point of origin, a left neutral bow, in (3), then pulling back to a cat for the left snapping front kick of (4). That kick could be to the groin or any available target. A groin kick will make it easier, requiring less height on your crescent. In any case make sure to land left after the left kick, to allow room for the crescent kick to slip up between you. • This is a technique of many circles.
(right front kick followed by step through right punch)
Retreat from the kick as you downward block, then step back through right/left ending up behind him with a universal punch to his back, then punch to his head and kick him into sidesplits with a left front crossover as you gouge his eye. Unwind with a backnuckle through his ribs and sweep to take him down. Once he’s down, give him a right kick/left kick.
1) Right neutral bow, R rear crossover L front twist stance
-R downward block to kick
2) L inward parry to punching right arm, above the elbow
-R step through to R neutral bow
-catching attacker’s elbow between parry and R straight arm raise, elbow slightly bent
3) L foot step through to L neutral bow facing 12 o’clock
-R finger hook to R eye around R side of head
4) pull through with eye hook, pivot cw to R close kneel facing 3 o’clock
-L straight punch to spine
-R backnuckle to kidney
5) L hand grab hair
-R straight vertical punch to head
-L check to R shoulder
6) step through L sweep kick to R leg, land in L front twist stance
-pushing check with L hand
-pulling R finger hook through R eye
7) unwind to R neutral bow facing 10:30
-R step through sweep through R leg
-L two finger stab to eyes
-R backnuckle through kidney as he falls flat on his back
8) R roundhouse kick to belly or groin
9) L side kick to face
This technique can be very hard on the attacker’s right eye. You may add it to your attack of (2) at the end of your initial straight raise, which then becomes a two finger gouge, and you may add a left two fingered eye stab as you unwind with the backnuckle of (7). • Another variation is to drop that straight-arm-raise-arm-break-eye stab and instead:
2) L inward parry to punching right arm, above the elbow
-R step through to R neutral bow
3) L foot step through to L neutral bow facing 12 o’clock
R inward horizontal elbow through ribs
If you are fast enough, get your backnuckle of (7) through before the sweep, and add the power of a R ridgearm to the chest or throat to your sweep. He will go down more quickly. • A retarded ball kick is a front scooping kick with the heel of your foot. The scooping action slows it a bit, retards the action. • A universal punch, like a universal block, uses both hands. Here it is an upper straight vertical fist left, and a lower right backnuckle.
(right hand to left wrist and left hand to right wrist grabs)
Both hands circle backward, striking through the groin as your right foot steps back, and continuing to circle around to heel-palm the heads together as your right steps forward, separating the newly smashed heads with a left knee kick that lands back, then right step back as you kneel to pick up their ankles to open them for right/left kicks to the groin across your body.
1) natural stance, R foot step back to L neutral bow
-R backnuckle to groin on R, L backnuckle to groin on L
-continue hands circling backwards, under to hook attackers’ arms
2) R foot step forward to R forward bow
-crossing your arms to use their arms as levers to smash their heads together
3) L knee kick through their heads
-holding their heads in place R hand to R head, L to L
4) L foot land back to R close kneel
-hands hook outward, grabbing ankles
5) R foot step through to 6 o’clock to L neutral bow
-pulling attackers’ legs back, your hands to past your hips
6) holding legs
-R roundhouse kick to groin, land by L foot
-L roundhouse kick to groin, land left front crossover to 4:30
By grabbing your wrists, the attackers make the groin the best available target. Striking to the groin in response to a shoulder grab (such as in Snakes of Wisdom) might get you poked in the face. If the attackers grab wrist and shoulder, you could be in a difficult situation. Striking to the groin might get you hit in the face, and the wrist grab might prevent circling your arms backward. Rick favors Snakes of Wisdom in that case, to protect your face. Those less sure of overpowering the grip might prefer Marriage of the Rams. • The arms circle in the opposite direction to Snakes of Wisdom, through the groin and back up to the head. If his hands react, as well they might, and grab to the groin, then instead of hooking around his upper arms, go directly to heel palm to the head, R to R and L to L. • Keep in close contact with your attacker. Your hands contour his body from the groin strike up to the head, collecting his arms if they are available, then after the head shots and left knee kick, keep a downward pressure with your elbows to check out his arms as your hands contour down his body to the ankle with the outward hooks. • You protect your back by dropping to a close kneel in (4), as you would with any heavy lift. Use your thighs, not your back to pick up heavy stuff, such as people. You may even drop your knee to the ground, if it is safe to do so. You will be pulling his whole weight, off balance backwards, as you rise. If you have bad knees, you may come closer to working from a R neutral bow to a L neutral bow. Because of apparently permanent damage to my left big toe, I drop down step back to a Left Close Kneel for the pickup, followed by a rise to pulling back with the cat, then stepping back for the Right Roundhouse. Seems to work just fine. • You may land in twist stance from the R roundhouse kick to facilitate your second kick. • Don’t forget to drop the ankles as you begin to cross out. And as you step through in your final crossout, remember to keep as evenly as possible between your two attackers.
(right step through front punch and left rear collar grab)
Use Flashing Mace ( up to the left waiter’s check) to punch both the guy behind you in the head and then guy in front in the head, then spin on through to get the front guys ribs and arm, then adding a right front kick to attack that formerly rear guy with Five Swords, and pivot in place to a left front rotating twist stance to drop to heelpalm the two attackers, then kick them away.
1) natural stance, R foot step back to L neutral bow, buckling L knee
-with L inward block to outside of punch of front attacker
-R rear backnuckle to face of rear attacker
2) R foot step through forward to 10:30 (heel-toe line)
-R hammerfist through front attacker’s head
-L high check
3) pivot ccw to L neutral bow facing 4:30
-L horizontal backnuckle to L ribs of front attacker
-R inward parry
-circle L hand back up to waiter’s check over R arm
4) R snapping front kick to 4:30 to belly of previously rear attacker
-land to R neutral bow as you
-L outward handsword to R wrist, R inward handsword to R bicep
-R outward handsword (palm down) to neck
-L heelpalm to chin with R forward bow
-R uppercut to chin with R neutral bow
5) pivot ccw to L front twist stance
-R front heelpalm to jaw of front guy
-L rear heelpalm to groin of rear guy
6) R roundhouse kick to belly of originally front attacker
7) L back kick to groin of originally rear attacker
This technique is based on using Flashing Mace and Five Swords against two attackers. By this point we have learned the words and phrases of a new vocabulary, and need to practice using them in different situations. Ram and the Eagle lets us practice the notion that every obstacle is and opportunity. Every block creates a new attack. • A hammerfist or raking backnuckle would be equally effective to the nose of the rear attacker in the initial move. The rear attacker might also be grabbing the shoulder or even the right shoulder, although in that case his right arm is covering for him, and you’ve started to turn him around. This could help you, allowing to kick straight to his back. Any obstacle presents an opportunity. • Make use of your right leg stepping back in that first move, to sweep the attacker. If you are the dummy, knowing that a fist is heading your way and that the student will be bringing you into the punch with his sweep, use you right hand to protect your face. • Lining up heel-toe, instead of toe-heel for your neutral bow gives you an inverted neutral bow. That step through is straight forward, the punch right to 12 o’clock. Your head faces 12 o’clock, you’ve stepped to 10:30, and your fist has gone to 12. This is a transitional stance to the left neutral bow. • A waiter’s check in an outward hook, palm up. In that section of (3) you are essentially doing a double parry - right inward, left outward. • In (4), come around with the heel palms, but he may well be out of range, and your next real strikes will be the right/left kicks. That right roundhouse kick can also work as a front kick, particularly if you have bad knees and look to avoid placing weight on a quickly pivoted leg. • You may need to hop backward to reach with that back kick. As with nearly all right/left or left/right kicks, this can be a chicken kick. Which simply means you don’t plant your foot between kicks, and start the second foot kicking before the first foot lands. For a moment, both feet are in the air. I have personally never seen a chicken do this. • You will cover out between the attackers, toward 3 o’clock.
(right flank overhead right club)
Brushing the Storm takes him down to the knee, with you in your left neutral bow holding his right leg, giving you the opportunity to right step in to a low right twist stance and break his leg over your right knee, then knock his broken leg to the side as you unwind to right hammerfist and right heel kick his groin, then left step into a left twist stance with a left crane strike to the groin, and unwind to exit with a scooping left heel kick through his face.
1) natural stance, R foot step to 1:30 to R neutral bow
-L inward parry
-R thrusting heel palm to jaw
2) L step through to 1:30 to L close kneel (or L front crossover to L twist stance)
-with L high check
-collapse R arm to R downward elbow to R floating ribs
3) contour R hand down R leg to grab ankle
-offstep R leg cw to 10:30 to L forward bow, pulling him off balance
-pushing forward with L hand check
4) R front crossover to 4:30 to a low R front twist stance
-push down, your knee on his thigh just above his knee, breaking
his leg over your knee
5) L inward heel palm to R leg, clearing leg off knee as you unwind L to
-R neutral bow as you R upward crane strike to groin
-twist ccw to R reverse close kneel as your R hand whips around
to R upward reverse crane strike to groin followed by
-R upward snapping heel kick to groin, land between his legs
6) offstep outside his L leg to 6 o’clock R close kneel
- L thrust sweep to his L ankle, landing to L front twist stance unwind to
-L neutral bow as you L upward crane strike to groin
-twist cw to L reverse close kneel as your L hand whips around
to L upward reverse crane strike to groin followed by
-L upward snapping heel kick to groin, land between his legs
-crossout with L scoop heel kick to groin, heart or face depending on depth
This technique could be used as and alternative to Brushing the Storm, to cover the possibility of your downward right elbow driving him to knees, giving you the opportunity to lever him up over your right knee. As the attacker for practicing this technique, it’d be friendly to go down onto your left knee, to give them that opportunity. • After stepping forward with the parry, out of the way of the attack, the next three moves - the heel palm, the step through and the elbow all work a straight driving line into the attacker. The right arm simply collapses down from the heel palm to the elbow strike, and should lose no momentum in the motion. Everything works to take his weight off his right leg. • There’s the opportunity to add in a right heel palm claw to the groin on your way to grabbing the ankle. • You may find it easier to keep control of the leg by keeping your left check lower, to the back of the right knee, as you stretch him out before the leg break. • The offstep after the right heel kick, with the left front crossover into the attacker’s right leg, clears you a space for the groin hit. You may not need this, and can land directly to point of origin. You can also combine the heel kick and groin hit, or some folks will actually pivot into the right heel kick before you can get in with the forward right crane strike to the groin:
5) L inward heel palm to R leg, clearing leg off knee
-twist ccw to R reverse close kneel
-R upward snapping heel kick to groin land to point of origin
-R forward crane strike to groin
-R downward check on coccyx
6) L front crossover to 5:30 to L front twist stance
-L forward underhand crane strike to 4:30 to groin
-L crane strike to groin
-unwind cw to L reverse close kneel
-raise L hand to coccyx as check
-crossout with L scoop heel kick to groin
This uses the R downward check of (5) to push the attacker forward and down, instead of holding him in place for the heel kick. I’ve also omitted the final left groin hit, which was also left out by Mr. Parker. • The reverse crane strikes, or reverse heel palm claws, also work just fine as rear downward hammerfists. • The heel kicks may strike the face or groin or solar plexus, or any target that is available, depending on the attacker’s reactions. This series of strikes drives on for awhile, and all of it after you’ve presumably broken his leg backward over your knee, which might cause him to writhe in an unpredictable manner.
(right step through overhead punch)
Step in under his blow with your arms windmilling up to block up his arm and down to hammerfist his ribs then step forward to hammerfist down across his face to the collarbone and slice at his eyes, then grabbing his left hand with your left, drag him out towards 7:30 as your right hand shoves down his head and holds it for a right heel kick, followed by a right backnuckle and a left spinning back kick to the head.
1) L neutral bow, R upward block
-L heelpalm to sternum
2) L hand circles ccw through L claw to face
- as R hand circles cw to R hammerfist L floating ribs
-L hammerfist to R floating ribs
-R upward block
3) L hand checks attacker’s R arm against body
-R step through to 1:30 to R neutral bow, checking against R knee
-R inward raking hammerfist through face to R collarbone
-R outward (palm up), inward palm down), ending up with your hand cocked to the right
4) in place cw pivot to R front rotating twist with a
-L inward raking hammerfist through face to L collarbone
5) pivot ccw to R neutral bow as you
-L outward, (palm up) finger slice to eyes (using the unwinding mass of your body to power the slice)
6) L inward (palm down) eye slice as you R front crossover to 7:30(R sweep kick to his R ankle) to R front twist stance as you L hand grab attacker’s L wrist
-L foot step out to 7 o’clock landing to L neutral bow with a
-R outward heelpalm to face, forcing his head back, then
7) claw R hand around face counterclockwise to hold his head for
-R rear vertical snapping heel kick to head, land forward with
-R front crossover as you R backnuckle back to face, unwind with
-L spinning back kick
This technique often begins with someone standing naturally who is then shoved back, stepping to a left neutral bow, then attacked with a step through overhead right. It could also be used as a pre-emptive (left foot) stepping forward into the attack, with the block and the check. • Your first right block with be overhead, or extended outward, or wherever is most useful. Don’t count on your attacker, even in a highly structured class, to give you what you expect. • Instead of going to a twist stance with the left hammerfist, I go to a right forward bow, which is kinder to the knees, and feels like more power from Marriage of Gravity. • You can add a third eye slice to the two slices of three - outward (palm down) finger slice to eyes. • The two finger slices of (4) will hopefully make the attacker raise his hands to cover his eyes, and your left hand, moving inward, would find a directional harmony in grabbing his wrist then. He may be late, and you’ll have time for a third slice, in (5), before grabbing. Often in class, the other student will forget to raise his hands, and you can just circle down and grab it before you cross over and out. You must be holding on to his left arm to do all the rest of this technique. • The face claws are sometimes called “window washer” attacks. Probably named after that car of Stephen King. There could be another face claw after pushing down his head for the kick, but I think it might interfere with controlling his head for the kick.• There are several variations of the end to this technique. This is the one I was originally taught, with the changes highlighted in red:
5) R front crossover to 7:30(sweep kick to his R ankle)
-land R downward inward block to elbow
-L foot step out to 7 o’clock to R neutral bow
-R backnuckle to face
-R outward, inward (cw, ccw) claw to face
-pivot ccw to R reverse close kneel
-circle R hand around to R side, back of attacker’s head, pull into
-R rear vertical snapping heel kick to head
-R foot land at point of origin
6) R backnuckle through face
-pivot cw to R front twist stance
7) pivot ccw to R neutral bow
-R inward forearm block to clear L arm as you release with L hand
-L spinning back kick
Some students effectively skip the final right front twist stance, or move it somewhat, making it part of a front crossover:
-R rear vertical snapping heel kick to head
-R foot land at point of origin
6) L front crossover to 8 o’clock
- R backnuckle through face
7) pivot ccw to L reverse close kneel
-R inward forearm block to clear L arm as you release with L hand
-L spinning back kick
(right front roundhouse kick)
As you kneel, universal block the kick, shuffle in with a right elbow to the groin, left grab his testicles and smash them with your right fist, then left heelpalm to his chin as you stand up, holding his left ankle in your right hand, knocking him onto his back, then step back right foot as you flip him counterclockwise onto his belly, drag up and step through right leg, break his right leg over your right, switch, and left stomp to his damaged groin.
1) kneeling on L knee, right knee facing 12 o’clock, L universal block above R knee
2) shuffle forward
-R upward vertical elbow strike to groin
3) L underhand (palm up) heel palm to groin, grab testicles
-pull back left hand with testicles
-R downward backnuckle (palm up) to handful of testicles, R hand contours down outside of L leg
4) L upward heelpalm to chest powered by
-drag up L foot to R foot
-R hand grab L ankle
-stand up as L heelpalm continues to chin
5) R foot step back L forward bow
-pulling on foot, pulling him off balance
-R hand slide under L heel, palm up, thumbs pointing away
-L hand on L instep, palm down
-L neutral bow
6) offstep L foot to 8 o’clock over attacker’s L leg, still a L neutral bow
-lift with R hand and push down with L hand (counterclockwise turn), flipping attacker facedown
7) R step through, L rear crossover R step to R reverse bow facing 10:30
-push down on R foot to break R leg by hyper extending it over your straight R leg
8) R outward heel palm to clear R leg to R side
-switch with L rear stomp kick to groin
-hands check low
You may be tying your shoe, or for whatever reason kneeling when someone tries to kick you in the head. In Long Four you will have to learn both sides of this technique. • The universal block here is a right inward, left extended outward chopping block. It may help you to rise up a bit on your front foot, and put your weight on the ball of your rear foot. This will assist the kneeling shuffle coming up. Make sure that block hits above the knee. It will be both safer and more effective. After the block you gain some space by knocking him off to your left, making the shuffle in elbow strike smoother. • As you rise up with the heel palm in (4), instead of going to the chin, try collapsing to a left inward elbow (as in left side of Dance of Death, as in Long Five). • Another way to clear the attacker’s left foot as he lies on his back in (6) is to left step through to the rear instead of an offstep. You are then already in a reverse bow, and need only drag step up for the break. If you are worried that you may lose control of his leg, don’t try it this way, since it may call for dragging his leg with you a bit. If you feel assured, a bit a dragging wouldn’t hurt. You, that is, the dragging might well inconvenience your attacker. Another benefit to this method is that it allows more use of your entire body turning counterclockwise to flip him. • Turn him quickly enough, before he can respond by flipping, and you will break his ankle. Be very aware of this when working out at the studio, particularly with any joint breaking manipulation: the attacker is a fellow student, allowing you to practice. Don’t abuse that trust. • If your right leg in (7) gets underneath the attacker’s leg while it (your leg) is bent, then snaps straight at the same moment you push down on his heel, you will greatly increase the damage you inflict. The rear crossover is a gauging step, and could be anything from a kick to the left knee, or a drag up to the right foot. • A left back thrust kick could do as well as a stomp for your final kick.
(left roundhouse kick, step through left punch)
Shuffle back as you parry his punch and block his kick, your right circling up from the block to knock up his arm and land an inward block on his hyper extended elbow as you pull him off balance with a front crossover. Rebound from the front crossover to stretch out his leg with a side kick as you backnuckle the face, landing again in a front crossover step out step through that flips the attacker onto his back. Finish him with a roundhouse kick.
1) R neutral bow, R universal block (R fist to left kick, L hand to left punch)
2) R upward block to left arm
-R forward bow as you drop your weight with
-L heelpalm (fingers out) to L floating ribs
3) pivot back to R neutral bow dropping your weight to
- R heelpalm to L floating ribs as
-L hand turns out to grab attacker’s R wrist, stretch out his arm
4) R front crossover to 7:30 to R twist stance as you
-R downward inward block to R elbow
5) rebound from crossover to R side kick to L thigh with
-R backnuckle to temple
6) land back to R twist stance as
-both hands grab R hand
7) L foot step out to 8 o’clock to L neutral bow
-keeping your hands pinned to your waist will twist the attacker’s wrist clockwise to drop him to his back
-offstep R foot to 7:30 R forward bow
8) L downward looping overhead roundhouse kick to solar plexus
The punch and kick could come together or the kick first, then landing with the punch, which makes more sense. In either case, the universal block will protect you. • Your arms in the heelpalm upward block cycle move in a circle, down back toward you, and up forward to him, as you switch your hands with each simultaneous blow and block. • Those downward heelpalms could also be outward handswords, or even hammerfists. Whatever you use, make sure your cycling left upward block moves right into the wrist grab without delay. • The inward block arm break of (4) is the same as in Crossing Talon. As just about always, time the hit to the step. • The hand grab of (6) is the same joint manipulation you’ve guarded against in Twisted Twig, and used in Spiraling Twig. It’s a twig thing. As you land in the twist stance, reach over his left wrist with your right hand, and grab his hand (fingers in his palm), and switch your left grab around counterclockwise and under (fingers in his palm); keep your hands close to you while you flip him on his back, and your arms extended, thumbs up to his wrist, as he goes down. You have a great deal of control over just where he hits, and you want him to land with his head about to six o’clock. • Some schools prefer to land from the kick in a rear twist, closer to the attacker, then proceed as written. I think this gets you too close, and could land you in a passel of trouble if he goes for a grapple. Moving close to him tends to negate the advantage of the wrist break. But many things can work, and this may be one of them.
(front right step through punch and rear bear hug - arms pinned)
Left foot step left, then right kick the front attacker and land buckling the rear attacker’s left leg as your right hand hammerfists to his groin, then backnuckles his face, then both hands grab his head and pull it into a right knee kick as you right front crossover, then left side kick to the front attacker’s chest and continue after him with a right rear crossover enabling a left backnuckle to his face, then unwind from the twist stance to right front kick the formerly rear guy and left back kick the formerly front attacker.
1) natural stance, L foot step to 9 o’clock to horse stance, sliding your head to the left to allow the punch to pass your R ear as
-L hand checks down on rear attacker’s hands
-R front kick to solar plexus
-R hammerfist to groin, R hand grab testicles
2) R foot land to 7:30, buckling L leg
-R backnuckle to face
4) both hands grab head (R hand to R side, L hand to L)
-pull head down to knee
-R knee kick to face land forward with
-R front crossover to 1 o’clock
-L side kickto front attacker’s L knee
-L foot land to 12 o’clock to L neutral bow
5) R rear crossover to 11 o’clock to R rear twist stance
-L backnuckle to front attacker’s head
6) unwind clockwise to L neutral bow
-R front kickto formerly rear attacker’s solar plexus
-L back kick to formerly front attacker’s solar plexus
In Infinite Insights into Kenpo, volume 5, Ed Parker describes the attack as an arms-free bear hug. That may well be a misprint, but the left step with the right kick does give you enough space to make the groin strike possible. Parker also delayed the groin strike (he made it only a grab and squeeze) until after the kick, making it coincide with the sweep. It works fine that way. • The technique begins as you are already held in a rear bear hug, and the front punch is thrown. As with most every rear bear hug arms pinned situation I can think of, you begin with a strike to the testicles of the guy holding you. This will loosen the grip, and that’s why the left check is necessary. In addition to preventing damage from his grip freeing up to claw at you also can control his grip, if he exhibits exceptionally tough testicles, or is wearing a cup, or has great control or for whatever reason does not respond to the right rear hammerfist (which can just as well be a heelpalm claw). In such a case you are in a good situation to peel off his fingers, breaking them if he doesn’t release sooner. • Your right foot and right hand counterbalance each other, the foot kicking forward as the hand strikes back, the hand backnuckling up as the leg sweeps back. • As soon as the testicle hit and squeeze results in the grip release, the backnuckle is directly over your right shoulder, which is where you’ve put his face with your left step to 9 o’clock. • The final front kick can be to the sternum, and the final back kick to the stomach, or whatever combination of targets seems appropriate. You may require a gauging step as you land from the front kick, possibly to a right rear crossover (since he may be retreating from the backnuckle), or possibly a chicken kick, front and back. It depends on the response you’ve gotten.
(right step through front club poke)
Step into his attack with an inward block against the club and spin through him with right inward/left outward elbows, ending up facing in the same direction as your attacker from behind. You continue kicking out his right leg putting him into the splits as you whip your hand low and high attacking his groin and face. Finally you pull him backward into a knee kick to the spine and finish him off with a final side kick to the right leg, taking him down onto his back.
1) natural stance, L foot offstep to 11 o’clock to L neutral bow
-L inward block to R arm
2) R step through to 11 o’clock to R inverted neutral bow (heel-toe alignment) as you
-R inward horizontal elbow through R ribs
-L high check to shoulder
3) pivot counterclockwise to L neutral bow facing back to 6 o’clock as you
-L outward horizontal elbow to chest
-R high check to shoulder
4) hop switch to crane stance landing with
-R heel palm claw through R eye, L check at shoulder
5) R knife edge side kick to R knee
-R claw pulls through face, circles counterclockwise to R reverse crane strike to groin (from backside)
-R hand rebounds clockwise back to R claw at face land to 5 o’clock from side kick in R neutral bow, L hand checks at shoulder
6) L front crossover sweep to back of R knee land in L front twist stance
-pushing with L check
-pulling R claw through face, to check at R shoulder
-L hand circles counterclockwise to L crane strike to groin (from rear) and rebounds up, turning clockwise to L heelpalm R side of face, eye hook
7) L step through back to 10:30 to R neutral bow
-L hand pulling face (hair) back as
-R hand checks forward to hip, arching his back pulling him to
-R knee kickto spine
8) R foot land to point of origin R neutral bow
-L hand rips backward through face, regrabs to shoulder or face
-R upward ridgearm to base of skull stops his fall backward, then
9) L drag up to
-R side kickto R knee and yank down with L hand on R shoulder
-R roundhouse punch to face or chest, dropping him to his back
The attack is with a short club, or a club held so that only a short bit protrudes past the grip. The technique opens with short weapons, elbows, and if the club is too long, another opening will be required. It makes sense for the attacker to attack with a choked-up club, since it must be controlled from the wrist and too much length would make the weapon unwieldy, but it’d be a mistake to train yourself to be able to respond only to sensible situations. Practice with whatever your attacking student provides. • The groin/face claw pattern is repeated right and left hands in (4) and (5). In both cases the claw to the face has the fingers pointing inward on the attacker, to the left. • The left step through to the rear of (6), with the pulling claw, will turn the attacker slightly clockwise for the knee hit. • You are offered a sequential opportunity for a right backnuckle on your way to the final right roundhouse punch.
(left step through punch from right rear flank)
Hop away from the attack to spin him with a side kick to his left knee and another kick to the ribs to lift him up. Continue right on into him with a left straight leg sweep, arching his back with a left backnuckle and taking him down with a right hammerfist. Then nail him to the ground with a right stomp kick to his face.
1) natural stance, L step forward to 10:30
-R knife-edged kick to knee
2) R foot land to 4:30
-L foot drag up to R foot
-R back kick to L ribs
-right foot land to 4:30 R inverted neutral bow (heel-toe)
3) L stiff-legged sweep 180º counterclockwise through L leg L reverse bow
-L backnuckle through L ribs (he’s beginning to bend backwards)
4) R downward hammerfist to heart, dropping him to the ground
-dropping to a L close kneel
5) pivot counter clockwise R back stomp kick to face
You are being attacked from an obscure zone (what in human speech is called “behind you”), and your first defense is the step away. It is a quick hop that both gets you out of range, and sets you up to kick. You may protect yourself further with a blind counterclockwise parry. This could be a mistake if you are dealing with knife attack, unless of course getting your hand cut prevents your carotid from getting cut. It’s a blind choice. • The inverted neutral bow, used here and in Circling the Storm, introduced in Staff set, uses a heel-toe alignment instead of the familiar toe heel, and is used to save a stutter step between stances if it doesn’t compromise the power of the first stance. • The sweep, backnuckle, and downward hammerfist all work together, and work on bending him over. Don’t be tentative with any of them. • The close kneel, of course, can also be a strike, dropping to break a rib or whatever’s convenient.
(right front kick followed by right punch)
Right rear crossover with a right downward block from the kick, unwind with a left inward block to the punch, then go after his far leg with a front crossover thrust sweep that puts you in another twist stance. Unwind and go after his near leg with another sweep, then switch and again sweep the far leg, dropping him right into a rear elbow.
1) R neutral bow, R foot step back to 6 o’clock to L front twist stance
-R downward block to kick
-L inward parry (you are now behind him, his back to you) as you
unwind clockwise from twist to L neutral bow
2) R front crossover sweep to left knee land to 12 o’clock R front twist stance as you
-R underhand heelpalm claw to groin, with
-L hand check high
3) unwind counterclockwise from twist
-R rear scoop kick to groin
-land back with R sweep to 4:30, toR reverse bow buckling R leg
-R rear hammerfist to L kidney
4) switch turn (R foot drags ups to 10:30, L leg sweeps backs to 1:30) to L reverse bow, buckling L leg with a
-L horizontal outward elbow to head
5) drop to L rotating twist stance facing his spine as you
-L horizontal inverted outward knuckle strike head
The crane hits, fingers pressed together to the thumb to form a beaklike shape for quick sharp strikes, seem to me to better fit the target than a heelpalm claw. Many folks are more comfortable with the claw and use it very effectively. • Make sure all your sweeps and buckles attack the legs, and that you don’t let yourself get the habit of going between the legs. These moves destroy the attacker’s base. If you have bad knees, don’t dummy for this technique. Attacking the legs is the important part, and I invariably skip the scoop kick because I’m just not fast enough, and want to get him down. • The switch and turn of (4) is also sometimes called an in-place switch stance change. So long as you step up right and back left and buckle the knee, it doesn’t matter too much what you call it. • I’ve heard that final strike called an Inverted Dragon, a Cobra Strike, and one other name I’ve forgotten. I’ve also seen folks effectively substitute a heel palm/neck break. It’s the end of the technique, there’s no ending to add later, you are going for Second Brown, and for some reason this moment (as the upstage-facing finger stab moves of Long Four) seems to collect a lot of creativity. And why not?
(front step through right punch)
Left step forward outside the punch, grabbing his wrist with a right parry, and pivot right to simultaneously break his arm at the elbow with a left heel palm and buckle his right knee with your left knee; then pivot left to drop your right knee on his leg as you left backnuckle his ribs and right claw his face. Punch straight to his spine with a left vertical and right backnuckle punch, the left hand grabbing his neck to pull him into a left knee that lands far back enough to allow a right hammerfist and right roundhouse kick to his front, as he falls backward.
1) natural stance, L foot step to 10:30 to L neutral bow
-R outward parry
2) R hand grab to R wrist, yanking him in the direction of the punch as you
-pivot clockwise to 6 o’clock to R close kneel, L knee buckling R knee
-L inward heel palm strike to R elbow
3) pivot counterclockwise to 12 o’clock to L close kneel R knee dropping on back of lower R leg as you
-L backnuckle through ribs
-R inward heel palm claw through face
4) pivot clockwise to 3 o’clock to R close kneel
-R outward backnuckle to ribs or spine
-L vertical punch to spine (L hand above R)
5) L hand punches through to crane grab around R side of neck
-R hand check to shoulder, both hands yank him back to
-L knee kick to spine
6) L foot land to 8 o’clock to R neutral bow as L hand pulls back as
-R hand circle counterclockwise to R hammerfist to jaw or chest, hammering him to the ground as
-L hand check
-R roundhouse kick to head or chest as he falls
-land R front crossover
This involves stances as attacks, as with the final moment of Evading the Storm. It is easy to damage your Achilles tendon, or even your tibia if you are the attacking student, so try to avoid kneeling with toes bent under (as you naturally would kneel) when you dummy. • Your right hand in (4), with the punch, is effectively checking out his right arm. • Your final step to 8 o’clock, with the L pull, is an offstep to allow a space for your attacker to fall to 9 o’clock. You’ll need the clearance for your kick. • The choice of final targets in (6) depends on how fast he falls with the pull and punch and kick.
(step-through front knife thrust - with your hands up)
Pull back to a cat stance, inviting him in to stab, then pin his arm behind your back as you step out forward and rear crossover into him to right rear elbow his head and immediately step back to a left neutral bow as you left chop to the throat and pull him down to break his arm over your left knee. Then use both hands to stab him in the neck with the knife as you wrap his wrist around your left knee so that you can dislocate his shoulder with a heelpalm to the elbow; then turning clockwise to stretch out his arm and break it at the elbow with a left heelpalm, finishing with a left heel stomp to his face.
1) L cat stance, arms raised to frame your chest
-L step to 11 o’clock to L neutral bow
-R outward hooking crane to his wrist (to outside his arm)
-L crane to forearm (inside of arm)
2) deep R rear crossover to 12 o’clock
-unwind clockwise to horse stance with your backs touching, as
-R rear horizontal elbow to head or spine
-punching forward with L (like an uppercut) breaking R arm across your back
3) R step through counterclockwise to 7:30 to L neutral bow
-L outward handsword to throat
-R hand grab to R wrist
4) L hand crane grab throat
-drop to L wide kneel
-breaking R arm over L knee
5) both hands grab his R, knife-wielding hand and circle back into him, trying to slice his throat with his own knife
-if throat slice fails, continue pull to L with knife hand, breaking his arm across your L knee in
-L close kneel
6) if he tries to bend his arm, pin R wrist to outside L knee with L hooking crane and
-R heelpalm through outside elbow, dislocating shoulder
7) R hand releases, moves inward across body (palm in, thumb up) to R wrist, then turning counterclockwise (palm out, thumb down) to grab R wrist
-release L hand
8) pull with R hand, extending R arm
-pivot clockwise to L reverse bow
-L heelpalm to elbow, breaking arm
9) both hands grab R wrist, yank R arm up, cocking L foot to knee
-L downward stomp to face, stomp on whatever you can on the way out.
Piercing Lance is based on “what ifs.” Beginning with the notion that you can convince him to attack by opening your guard, raising your hands, and offering, in effect, your self to attack. The cat stance is helpful because it gives you a few inches head start on the crossover, but you can as well start from a left neutral bow. By convincing him to commit to the target you’ve chosen, you’ve limited him, and are, hopefully, ready for him. Much of the rest of the technique assumes that he won’t release the knife. You have many opportunities to convince him to release the knife: the across the back arm break, stabbing to the throat, dislocating the shoulder, and the elbow break. Practice as though he maintains his unlikely grip throughout, and practice keeping yourself safe from the blade with every move. It is written to avoid getting cut, although it’s unlikely that anyone would still be holding on. In fact this technique is written through many successful evasions on the part of the attacker. If he fails to evade the stab to the throat, completing the technique would be a waste of time. If, finally, he is still holding the knife at the end, finish the technique with a left sweeping kick as part of your front crossover exit.
(right step through punch from left rear flank)
Right hop away from his attack and shoot out a left side kick followed by a clockwise spinning right sweep, both to the knee (backnuckling his ribs as you go by) then left step through into him with a left punch to the head followed by a right ridgearm to the throat, and grabbing onto his head offstep right, breaking his neck, crossing out and back in to deliver a hooking heel kick to the face.
1) natural stance, R foot step to 1:30 to L reverse cat stance
-L slicing knife-edge kick to outside L knee
2) L foot land to 7:30
-turn clockwise with R spinning stiff-legged sweep to back of R knee
-R foot land at 8 o’clock R neutral bow buckling R leg
-R backnuckle through ribs
3) L step-through kick (knee to back or front kick to knee), land to 7 o’clock L neutral bow with
-L vertical punch through R jaw, L elbow going past clavicle to
-drop L elbow, collapsing attacker, as you drop to L wide kneel
-R hand checking at R shoulder
4) pull back L hand to check at back of head
-R upward ridgearm to throat
5) R foot offstep to 4:30 to L neutral bow
-R claw through face, grabbing chin
-L heelpalm to mastoid, breaking neck
6) L front crossover step out to 4 o’clock L neutral bow
-R rear crossover to 1:30
-L hooking heel kick to face
That first reverse cat stance hardly happens, it’s a transition to the kick, and is not much more than a transitory one-legged stance. The kick itself is a thrusting side kick, but the motion of your turn, turning the attacker, makes it a slice. These two kicks work together turning his back to you. As you hop away and kick, keep your hands active and checking between you and him. • Exactly where you land in (2) is part of the sweep. Gauge your landing to your next move, which should buckle his knee to the ground. • He’s on his knees, facing you, for the final kick, which assumes you didn’t break his neck, but simply pulled him along and off balance into this final kick. Obviously, the right foot step out and then immediately crossing back in is redundant. It can help you adjust to the best angle for the final kick, and it can keep you safe, leaving you room to decide if you want to go back in for that final kick. Or you can simply use the left front crossover to cock your foot, and then left hooking heel kick to the face.
(right front pistol against your chest)
Both hands parry the gun as you right step in, then the left hand stabs at the eyes then regrabs the gun as you right step through to the rear, twisting the gun back at the guy as your right hand pulls it back out of his grip; then step back into him with a right front kick, pistol whipping him in an outward, inward, outward pattern.
1) natural stance, R foot step forward to 12 o’clock to R neutral bow
-L hand snakes up chest with outward parry, turning to grab gun barrel
-R hand comes up with inward parry, turning to grab hammer or slide of gun
-L two-finger stab to eyes
-R forward bow
-L hand snaps back to grab under the gun
2) R foot step through to 6 o’clock to L neutral bow
-twisting gun clockwise with both hands, to point at attacker
3) R front kick to groin
-pull back on R hand, taking gun, barrel pointing down right
5) land forward to 12 o’clock R neutral bow
-R hand outward diagonally upward R gun butt strike, palm up, gun butt first, through R jaw, then looping counterclockwise turn
-L hand checking forward
-R hand inward diagonally downward L gun butt strike, palm down, gun butt first, through L cheek, looping clockwise turn
-R hand outward horizontally L gun barrel strike, palm up through head
6) R foot step through to 5 o’clock L neutral bow
-L hand circling under to cup pistol, R shifting to comfortable standard pistol grip
-L front crossover step out
-keeping pistol extended in front, pointing at attacker, two-handed grip
The distance a finger has to move to work a trigger is very short. The only possible chance these techniques have is based on starting close enough to the gun to have it touching you, and to turn into it. Your first step should get you facing 9 o’clock, with the gun slipping by you. The idea being that if your attacker fires, the bullet will cut a grove in you, but may miss vital organs. • The parries come up along your body, very tight in, and first of all secure the gun. Not the wrist or hand, but the gun itself. Grab the barrel, and don’t have your hands in front of the muzzle. • As soon as the gun is secure, the left hand snaps to the face and back, hopefully causing both hands to instinctively pull to the eyes. Which will give you the opportunity to break the guy’s index finger as you twist it against the trigger guard. Do not put your finger inside the guard when you dummy. • The first pistol-whipping hit should bring the head along with it some, and set you up for the remaining figure 8 pattern.
(right flank step-through right uppercut punch)
Pull back to a cat as you knock away his punch and then chicken sidekick right into him, splaying out his legs as backnuckle through his face. Then change direction and go forward towards 12 o’clock, kicking out his right leg and then sweeping it as you spin into him, clawing through his face as he collapses down onto a pair of knee kicks up and hammerfists down.
1) natural stance, R foot step back to L 45º cat stance as
-L hand checks against R arm
-R inward (thumb down) backnuckle through L temple or mastoid
2) R inward hammerfist to R forearm, cocking arm across chest with
-L sweeping side kick to R shin or R knee
-R backnuckle through face with
-R thrusting side kick to L knee (land to R neutral bow if necessary)
3) R two-finger hook to eyes
-R front crossover, hooking and sweeping R leg
-land to 10 o’clock, R front twist stance, spreading out his base
-L hand check to R arm
-unwind counterclockwise, L spinning stiff-legged sweep to 1 o’clock to inside of R knee L reverse bow
4) continue counterclockwise pivot with R knee kickto chest as you
-R overhead downward hammerfist to back of neck
-L hand still checking
5) R hand now checks to shoulder as you
-L overhead downward hammerfist to back of neck as you
-L knee to chest
-L foot lands to 6 o’clock L neutral bow with
-L downward heel palm to back of neck
The technique used to begin with a right strike to the punch-
1) natural stance, R foot step back to L 45º cat stance
-R downward outward block to R forearm
-L hand checks against R arm
If his punch comes in too quickly, this can still be useful, but slows up the backnuckle to the head. • It simplifies this to think of it as three pairs of kicks – left/right side kicks to spread him out towards 3, then right/left sweeps as you go forward into him towards 12, knocking him down onto the final right/left chicken knee kicks. • As always your most important step is your first, which keeps you safe and enables the retribution. Make sure to step back to your cat in front of him, out of range of his punch, but leaving him in range of your chicken kicks. • You begin by traveling right to stretch him out, then go forward into him as you sweep him. • Although the first two hits to the uppercutting forearm are simply one outward and one inward to the same target, you have a chance to hit through the temple in between. This makes a nice looping turn, and looks mighty good in Long Four • This technique runs on two main lines - to 3, to 10. You pull back to the cat, opening up the line to your right with your first blocking hit, then travel towards 3 o’clock with the hammerfist and side chicken kicks and backnuckle; spin around into his base towards 10 o’clock with the sweep kick sweep; work him in place with the knees and hammerfists, then crossout to 6 o’clock. • This technique is written to not land between the right side kick (of 2) and right inward sweep (of 3). If needs be, of course. your right foot might touch down to a right neutral bow between kicking out his left foot and sweeping his right, but ideally: go immediately from driving towards 3 o’clock to driving towards 10 o’clock. The foot should stay in the air, snapping from the right knee to the left knee, landing towards 10 o’clock in a twist. Of course, if you have to, land, then immediately kick sweep with the hooking claw. • Much of your time is spent destroying his base and keeping him up with kicks. The final heel palm should flatten him. Like a Photoshop© image of many layers.
(right pistol held to back)
Pivot right into him, hooking his gun with your right hand, then left stepping into him breaking his arm with a left uppercut, then flattening him with a left inward block as you right step into him yanking the gun out with your right hand, then circling the gun up through his chin and back into his chest, then hopping behind him, onto your left hand knocking away his right arm with the gun butt. Then right kick out his far (left) leg, raking back through the ribs as you land, then hitting through his head with the gun a left heel palm with a front right rotating twist, and unwinding with a final gun strike to the head, crossover step out to hold the gun safely on the attacker.
1) natural stance, pivot clockwise to 6 o’clock to R twist stance
-R outward parry, turning hand down and out to grab gun
2) L step through forward to 5 o’clock, checking to outside of R knee L neutral bow
-R hand extending R arm across body
-L uppercut to R elbow, breaking arm
3) R step through forward to 5 o’clock, checking to inside of L knee R neutral bow as you
-L hammerfist to groin
-L hand loops counterclockwise over for L downward inward block to broken elbow
-R hand yanking gun backwards out of attacker’s hand
4) L hand checks to shoulder, drop to horse stance as you
-R vertical upward strike with gun butt to chin, looping clockwise out and back in to
-R horizontal inward gun butt strike to sternum
5) L hop to 4 o’clock L crane stance as you
-reverse direction of loop, circle gun counterclockwise to
-R downward outward gun butt strike to elbow, cock through to R hip as you
-R snapping knife-edge side kick to L knee
-land to 5 o’clock R neutral bow with a
-R upward inward diagonal gun butt strike through ribs
6) pivot clockwise to R front rotating twist
-R downward outward gun butt strike to back of head
-L heel palm strike to back of head
-L check to R shoulder
7) R upward outward diagonal gun butt strike to face
-R step through back to 1 o’clock
8) as you front crossover step out step through, change your right grip to a proper firing grip, and your left hand cupping the gun butt or checking in front, below the barrel.
Go into the rotating twist stance pivoting on the heel of your right foot and ball of your left foot. As with all gun techniques, maintain your pressure into the gun barrel as you turn; first with your back, then the back of your arm, then your outward block, then you’re grabbing it. • The left hop to the crane, outward strike to the right arm, is mighty similar to Glancing Lance. • If your knees are trouble, you may have better luck in (6) using a forward bow rather than a rotating twist.
(left step through punch, right reverse punch attacker’s left leg forward)
Step back as your right hand snakes around his punch, grabbing on to yank him into a straight left punch to the throat, right chop to the throat, your right hand staying there to lift him up as you rear crossover into him, then hammerfist his groin as you drop him with a right rear sweep to his left knee. Drop your weight as you twist right into him with a right outward block to the face, left pushdown to the torso, and left knee to the groin, landing back from the knee kick with a right hammerfist to the collarbone. Then drag up into him yet again and right back kick to the solar plexus.
1) natural stance, L foot step back to 7 o’clock R neutral bow as you
-R inward block to outside of L punch
-R vertical outward block to inside R punch
-grab R arm, pull to hip
-L vertical punch to face as you drop to
-R forward bow
-R thrusting inward handsword (palm up) to throat, L hand check to attacker’s R arm as you drop to R neutral bow
2) L rear crossover with a R rear horizontal elbow to sternum
-R rear straight-legged sweep to L leg R reverse bow opening him up for a
-R hammerfist to groin
3) pivot clockwise R front rotating twist stance
-R outward block, breaking nose, cock R fist to R ear
-L heelpalm to chest
-L knee to groin
4) L foot land back to 7:30 R neutral bow
-L hand check to chest
-R hammerfist to L clavicle
5) L foot drag up
-R back kick to solar plexus
This whole technique drives forward after the initial step back. • After the right throat chop, use that hand to grab his throat and lift him up as you punch and cross over in. Jim Foschia works this to manipulate the attacker. • Instead of a drag up, if he’s reeling from the effects of (4), you may need a rear crossover. Or nothing. Whatever it is, it is a gauging step for your back kick. • Many folks like Charlie Henderson lower the target for the hammerfist of (5) making it a blow to the kidney, or belly, or any softer parts, and rotate in to the hit.
(right pistol)
As you raise your hands your left parries outward to grab the gun and you right stab to the eyes and right kick to the groin, landing forward to grab the gun with your right hand and collapse your right elbow to his face. Yank him back into a knee kick, kicking out his base as you pistol-whip his head, ending in a front crossover as you knock away his arm, then unwind to a final left back kick.
1) natural stance, L outward R inward parry turning to grab the gun
-L foot pivot counterclockwise 45º on ball of foot
-R snapping front kick to groin
-R two-finger stab to eyes
-R foot land forward to 11 o’clock, buckling inside of R knee R neutral bow
- crane strike to R elbow, pull him in, sliding your R hand out to a R outward handsword to neck as you
-R foot step back to 6 o’clock L neutral bow, pushing head down with your R hand as you lift up L hand with your L hand
2) R hand snaps back to grab barrel of gun (past the L hand) break the gun out of his hand with your R hand, still holding with L hand
-R downward outward diagonal gun butt strike to head, with
-R knee kick to sternum
-R front kickto groin as the gun pulls back to you and a bit to the left
2a) R snapping side kick to inside L knee (foot doesn’t land) with
-R outward gun butt strike through head
2b) R foot land to 10 o’clock R front twist stance as you
- R inward gun butt strike through head
4) unwind counterclockwise, with
- R downward diagonal gun butt strike to R elbow, clearing arm turn
-L spinning back kick to any available target
5) L front crossover step out step through
-take hold of the gun with a proper firing grip, your other hand cupping the gun, or checking forward below the muzzle.
Defying the Rod has undergone more changes than most techniques. Mr. Parker’s version is still a bit more different, and makes use of upward elbows, and the dragging the head back and some other variations. This version makes more use of directional harmony. The following is the way I usually teach it, and what seems to me to work best (I like the cross-pull of kicks and gun strikes):
1) natural stance, L outward R inward parry turning to grab the gun
-L foot pivot counterclockwise 45º on ball of foot
-R snapping front kick to groin
-R two-finger stab to eyes
-R foot land forward to 11 o’clock, buckling inside of R knee R neutral bow with
-R inward elbow to face
2) break the gun out of his hand with your R hand, still holding his wrist with L hand
-R downward outward diagonal gun butt strike to back of his head, hooking head with gun
-R foot step back to 4:30 to L neutral bow, pulling head along with gun hand
-L pushing up on his R wrist, using his arm as a lever
3) R step through into him with a R knee kick to sternum as gun pulls through his head, angling a bit to the right
-R snapping side kickto inside L knee just as you hit with a
-R inward gun butt strike through face R hand cock gun to L ear
-R foot land to 10 o’clock R front twist stance as gun returns with a
-R outward gun butt strike through face
4) unwind counterclockwise with a
-R outward gun butt strike to inside of R elbow, clearing arm
-L spinning back kick to any available target
5) L front crossover step out step through as you take hold of the gun with a proper firing grip, your other hand cupping the gun, or checking forward below the muzzle.
Here’s another incarnation, the third way I learned it:
1) natural stance, L outward R inward parry turning to grab the gun
-L foot pivot counterclockwise 45º on ball of foot
-R snapping front kick to groin
-R two-finger stab to eyes
-R foot land forward to 11 o’clock, buckling inside of R knee R neutral bow
-R hand snaps back to grab barrel of gun (past the L hand)
-crane strike to R elbow, pull him in, circling R arm around into R horizontal elbow strike to chin
2) break the gun out of his hand with your R hand, still holding with L hand
-R downward outward diagonal gun butt strike to head, hooking head with gun
-R foot step back to 6 o’clock L neutral bow, pulling head along with gun hand
-L hand checking to middle
3) R knee kick to sternum
3a) R front kickto groin
-R downward gun butt strike through back of head
3b) R snapping side kickto inside L knee
-R hand cock gun to L ear
3c) R foot land to 10 o’clock R front twist stance
-R downward diagonal gun butt strike to R elbow, clearing arm
4) unwind counterclockwise
-R gun butt strike through head, as you turn
-L spinning back kick to any available target
5) L front crossover step out step through as you take hold of the gun with a proper firing grip, your other hand cupping the gun, or checking forward below the muzzle.
This gun technique does not rely as much as the others on using your body to turn the gun. In fact the first move might come from a command to “put up your hands” and as you raise your hands you go for the outward parry/grab with your left hand. It won’t help to be bound to requiring a scenario from your attacker, but this allows you an opportunity if you are close enough, but not touching. You can also adjust the distance with your left pivot as you kick. If you move your left foot forward to two o’clock or so as you parry, you will also be moving out of the line of fire, and your pivot becomes a gauging step. • It makes little difference if you manage to hook his head with the gun butt in two, to pull him into the kick. Simply continue that strike, and loop it into the overhead downward strike to the back of the neck or head. Continuing the motion, in Mr. Parker’s Kenpo, is called directional harmony. • The right foot doesn’t land between the knee kick and the side kick. If you have very fast feet you have the opportunity to insert a groin kick between the knee kick and side kick of (3). • If your right inward sweep kick nails the attacker’s left knee with a thrust kick, you wont need, nor be able to do any more gun strikes, as he’ll be sitting. Which will require a gauging step for the back kick to reach.
(step-through right hook, left hook punch with attacker’s right leg forward)
Left step back as you block his right hook, then his left hook starts you going into him as you block it, pivoting to a forward bow with a left chop to the throat. Continue into him with a left front crossover as your right hammerfist rebounds through the right side of his face, your foot landing as you left heelpalm to the left side of his face, then keep driving forward with a right step-through as you collapse your right elbow in for a head sandwich. Now go after his left leg, sweeping him with a drag up to a reverse bow (that opens him up for a hammerfist to the groin) so that he’s still off balance as you cross out and come back with a right back kick.
1) natural stance, L foot step back to 6 o’clock R neutral bow
-R inward block to R hook
-L middle check
2) pivot clockwise R forward bow
-R extended outward block to L hook
-L thrusting chop to throat (palm down)
3) R hammerfist through face
4) L front crossover to 12 o’clock L front twist stance
-R arm circles through to pin his arms against him body
-L heelpalm to chin
5) R step through to 11 o’clock, R neutral bow buckling R leg
-R horizontal elbow to chin
-pivot counterclockwise, drag up to R straight-legged sweepto L leg,
R reverse bow, opening groin
-R hammerfist to groin
-L check high
6) R front crossover step out to 6 o’clock
-L rear crossover R thrusting back kick to stomach
If my timing is not pristine, I land into the guy with the right step through and add a hammer to his right kidney before the sweep and the hammer to the groin. • As opposed to 5 Swords, you step back, not in to this right hook. Which might be a fake, and he’s really coming in with the left - he deviates from the plan. Certainly he really does come in with the left, although this technique is does not depend on that action. Most folks step back with the double blocks of Five Swords, and leave the left up as you right outward block. • You can shuffle in with the first left punch. Your initial attacks are all to the head, left, right, left right, shortening your range. It’s possible to change the weapon with equal effect. For instance instead of left chop, right punch, left heelpalm, right elbow, you can as well use:
2) shuffle forward R forward bow
-R extended outward block to L hook
-L vertical punch to face
3) R inward handsword to throat through face
4) L front crossover to 12 o’clock L front twist stance
-L heelpalm to chin
-R arm checking across attacker’s left arm, then circling outward and up
-R horizontal elbow to face
That adds the power of shuffling in to the left vertical punch. This sequence is closer to Ed Parker’s original. • Practice this technique in conjunction with Entwined Maces, as they are occasionally confused. This technique makes use of a left chop to the throat and a left front crossover, as Entwined Maces uses a right chop and left rear crossover. That might help you keep them straight.
(right pistol held to chest)
Brush him aside as you raise your hands, then step forward and turn into him, raising up your hands inside of the gun (your hands are between the gun and you) to grab onto the gun, so that as you step through forward, the barrel turns around to point at him, and the wrist lock flips him onto his back, where you right stomp his face then stab to the eyes as you drop on him in a close kneel, grab the gun out of his hand and smash back through his face and away with a shuffle that enables a final right side kick.
1) natural stance, turn body clockwise directly in and then alongside the gun
-R outward parry grab (coming up your centerline palm in, turning out to grab the barrel)
-L inward parry grab
-L step to 10 o’clock checking outside of R leg L neutral bow
2) R foot step through to 11 o’clock behind his R leg
-keeping gun pointing at attacker, R forearm pinned against attacker’s R hand
-pivot counterclockwise to L forward bow, flipping attacker over your R leg onto his back (head pointing towards 4:30)
3) R stomp kick to face
-L close kneel facing 3 o’clock, dropping R knee to throat
-R hand stab to eyes
-L hand holding gun arm stretched across your L knee for a possible arm break
4) R hand grab gun, R gun butt strike through R side of face
-R gun butt strike through L side of face
-stand up, shuffle to 4 o’clock R stomping back kick to face
5) R foot land to front crossover step out step through, moving gun to a regular firing grip with your other hand cupping the base or held out forward in a low check toward the attacker, below the muzzle.
As with all gun techniques, you push into the gun as you immediately turn, in the hopes that if he fires, the bullet will end up cutting a trough along you rather than going right into you. It also gives you the slimmest of help by pushing the gun and trigger away from the trigger finger. • Keep close to him, elbows tucked in. The wrist manipulation brings him to the ground, and likely breaks his wrist. Make sure the gun is always pointed towards him. • A shovel kicks scoops through its target, toe first, then heel. In this case you scoop through with the shovel kick, then stomp straight down, turning left for the knee drop at the end. You can also make the ribs the target of the shovel kick and stomp to the top of the shoulder, breaking it, landing just outside the shoulder, and turning left as you drop to close kneel. • The finger stab makes use of two fingers in each eye, somewhat like the Vulcan “live long and prosper” sign. • A scoop kick through the face, before the heel stomp, will clear the attacker’s left hand from the rod (as a shin kick to his grip).
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