Requirements for Rank of 2nd Degree Black Belt
Look below for an overview of rank requirements. If you have any questions, bring them to class so we can work through them.
2nd Degree Black Belt Katas and Sets:
Adult Card
Long 7
Blocking Set 2
Striking Set 2
Kids Card
Long Form 1, Right and Left Sides
2nd Degree Black Belt Techniques:
For an overview of all belt requirements, download the 2nd Degree Black card here.
Use the typefaces to help you scan quickly:
All stances are in bold
Each foot change is in italics
Each strike is underlined
These techniques work best in a printed manual, designed to be worked with on the mat. They are printed with a spiral binding, large enough so that you stand a good chance of reading them if the book is open on the mat as you work the technique. Each technique is formatted to cover only one page (you need never turn a page in the brief or skeletal descriptions of the technique), although the discussions do cross pages. The printed versions will always have the latest comments and developments, and are printed only as you order them. Click on KENPO KARATE MANUALS to visit the publisher's site.
(rear pulling two hand choke/front bear hug arms pinned)
After turning back into him with the twirling wings to the ribs, spread out his legs with a left rear sweep to his right and left knee kick to his left leg, then pivot around to deliver a rear stiff-leg kick to his groin, crossing out as you shoot a backnuckle to the head.
1) natural stance, step back L foot to R twist stance
-pinning attacker’s L hand with your R hand
-unwind counter-clockwise to L forward bow
-L vertical outward block
-R inward horizontal elbow strike
-pivot clockwise tohorse stance
-L inward horizontal elbow strike
-R check by face
2) R rear crossover L stiff-leg sweep to R knee L reverse bow
3) L knee kick to L knee
-land to 12 o’clock in L forward bow
-pivot clockwise, unwinding
-R rear stiff leg kick to his groin
4) land forward, R front crossover to R front twist stance
-R backnuckle to head
This ending makes a fact of what is suggested in Purple Belt- that your initial left step back could attack the attacker’s left leg. Here you simply extend everything and make sure to sweep that leg and then sweep out the other. Ending with the right backnuckle gives the whole thing a sense of having been split apart and flipped, ending exactly the same, but on the other side. An elegant technique.
(left hand chest push/right roundhouse punch or bear hug)
The ending is mostly circles of the right fist, following the right inward elbow with a right hammerfist to the groin (as you left front crossover into him) that circles back up through the face (along with a left heelpalm) and comes back in with an right uppercut, followed by a step-through right kick that lands with a right backnuckle to the head.
1) natural stance, step back L foot to 6 o’clock to R neutral bow
-as your L hand pins attacker’s R hand to your L shoulder
-R upward heelpalm through elbow
-downward R crane strike to attacker’s bicep
-as L thrusting chop to throat pivoting to R forward bow
-circle a R inward hammerfist through nose
-as you pivot back to R neutral bow, L check by face
-shuffle in with R horizontal inward elbow to head and L heel palm strike to head (sandwich)
2) continue into him with a L front crossover to a L front twist stance
-as you L vertical punch to the solar plexus, and
-R hammerfist to groin
3) unwind clockwise to L neutral bow
-L upward heelpalm claw through chin
4) pivot counterclockwise to L forward bow
-R uppercut to ribs
5) step through R side kick to inside R knee
-land from kick to R neutral bow
-R backnuckle to head
The pattern of the whole thing can be seen as to straight lines separated by various circles of your right arm, from tightening horizontal as you move from the hammerfist through the head to the inward elbow, then changing to a vertical axis as you go to the groin, on into the larger orbits through the face, back up through the ribs, and then a straight snapping backnuckle to the head to end with.• Ed Parker uses different targets, adding in the throat and the solar plexus, and making a double punch accompany the front crosser - i.e.:
5) shuffle in with R horizontal inward elbow to head and L heel palm strike to head (sandwich)
- continue into him with a L front crossover to a L front twist stance
- as your L hand drops to a L vertical punch to the solar plexus
6) unwind clockwise to L neutral bow
-L outward handsword to throat
7) pivot counterclockwise to L forward bow
-R uppercut to solar plexus
• You can also cleanly add in a right outward claw to the face as you unwind from the left front twist stance. Scott Gonzales teaches this, and it’s mighty effective.
(step-through right punch/getting up)
After the head sandwich, circle your right hand around in a claw across his face then break his nose with a right inward handsword, knock him forward with chicken-kicking right/left kicks, then hop out to the side to deliver a left/right kick combination.
1) natural stance, L step to side to 9 o’clock to L neutral bow
-L inward parry to outside of his R arm
-R horizontal dragon knuckle rake across attacker’s R ribs
drag up R foot to transitory R crane stance
-R snapping knife-edged side kick to attacker’s front (R) leg at the knee, buckling him to the ground
-land forward between attacker’s legs in R neutral bow
-R backnuckle to attacker’s L kidney
2) R inward horizontal elbow to head
- with L heel palm to the opposite side of his head (head sandwich)
3) R hand circles over his head, dragging a R outward claw towards you through the face followed by a
4) R inward handsword to nose
5) step-through back with a R front scoop kick to groin, land back
-L step-through ball kick to spine, knocking him forward, land to 2 o’clock, L front twist stance, immediately step-through hop to the R for a L side kick to head
-land R to 3 o’clock, spin clockwise to R spinning back kick to ribs (or spin counterclockwise with R roundhouse kick to face)
The right/left kicks of (6) and (7) are essentially a chicken kick, landing forward. Depending on the position of your attacker, you might end up doing these as knee kicks the end of Blinding Sacrifice. • The ending as written is much easier on the knees, but this ending is also done as hopping forward to a left back kick, and spinning counterclockwise to a right roundhouse kick to the face. •After kicking him to the ground with the left front kick, use landing to the twist stance to stomp on his right ankle at the Achilles’ tendon to prevent his foot from kicking up.
(right roundhouse kick/front bear hug arms free)
After the upward elbow, splay out his base by sweeping your right against his left leg and stepping through to sweep your left against his right leg (an sort of inverted Squeezing the Peach). Follow the sweep turning into him with a left hammerfist to the body followed by a right heelpalm that glances through the jaw to grab and to pull his head down into a right knee kick that lands back as an upward left forearm strikes to the jaw. Then front crossover out with a right stab to the eyes and left chop to the throat.
1) R neutral bow, guard up, L foot offstep up the circle counterclockwise to 4:30 (still in R neutral bow)
-L arm strikes outward down in a downward block and your R arm strikes inward to form a universal block at attacker’s leg
-shuffle forward to 10:30 with R downward hammerfist to groin
-L hand checks high
-offstep L foot counterclockwise to 2 o’clock to horse stance
-R upward vertical elbow to jaw
2) L foot drag up as R elbow drives down into chest
-R leg sweeps backagainst his L leg as R upward forearm to jaw
3) R foot step forward
-L leg scoop kicks up through groin, lands back toward 9 o’clock to sweep his R leg
-landing in L reverse bow facing 3 o’clock
-with L hammerfist to solar plexus
4) pivot counterclockwise into him
-R heelpalm to jaw, shoot through and hook behind his head
-yank his head down to meet a R knee kick to the face
-land back to L neutral bow facing 12 o’clock
-L hand checks to middle
5) circle R hand around to a thumb and two-finger strike to eyes
-L front crossover away
-L upward chop to throat (palm out, thumb down)
Make sure when you’re doing the sweeps that you attack his base, and not going between his legs. The sweeps are easier above the knee, or against the knee. • The first two hammerfists and right heelpalm march up his body, right/left/right, to the groin/solar plexus/jaw. • Brace your forefinger and middle finger together for the final eye poke. The final strikes are nearly together, but the best rhythm will begin with the stab, and coordinate the chop as you land from the front crossover.
(rear bear hug - arms pinned/right kick from ground)
After knocking him over backward with your left heelpalm, grab onto his crossed ankles and flip him over on his belly. Work your way up his left side with a right stomp, left sidekick and right knee drop, step over across his shoulders to drop your left knee on his neck, then shuffle away for a quick left back kick to the head.
1) natural stance, step L to 9 o’clock to horse stance
-R rear hammerfist to groin
-L hand pins attacker’s L arm
-drag R foot to R cat stance
-shoot R leg back to 4:30 to R reverse bow, behind attacker’s L leg
-R heel palm again to the groin, grabbing on
-pivot clockwise to R neutral bow with a R vertical elbow to jaw, pulling up whatever you can hold onto
-continue clockwise turn to R forward bow
-L heel palm to L floating ribs or solar plexus, knocking him over your R knee
2) grab hold of attackers legs below his knees, as he goes over your knee, getting a grip on his R foot, your R hand palm up and lifting, L hand palm down and pushing, and twisting his ankle clockwise, flip him onto his front as at the same time you
3) R foot step back through toward 12 o’clock to L neutral bow facing prone attacker
4) R front crossover stomp to back of knee, land to ground, L side of body
-L side kick to back of head, land under L armpit in L close kneel with R knee on kidney, L knee checking his upper body
-R step over his neck, drop L knee on neck
-shuffle forward to 1:30, L stomp back to head
If you have control of both legs, after you flip him onto his front, you can use the moment to step over his left leg with your left, and use it to break his leg- it’s a very nifty idea and it works this way:
2) as he goes over your R knee grab onto both his legs, pushing down on his L leg as you lift up on his R- making his legs crossed R over L as at the same time you
-use a slight stutter step with you L foot to step over his R leg, trapping him under your L knee
-break his R leg then immediately
3) R foot step back through toward 12 o’clock to L neutral bow facing prone attacker as you flip him onto his front
4) continue the with rest of the technique, working up the left side of his body with the stomps and kicks described above.
• When you knock him over onto his back, you may be able to grab hold of both legs, and use them both to twist him over, kind of like the arm break in Cross of Destruction or Twist of Faith, where you use the one limb as a fulcrum for the other. In any case you will be twisting against his joints to flip him over.
(flank finger lock/getting up)
After the right elbow to the ribs, use your right leg to sweep his left leg and drive through his right leg to shove him onto his back. Then work up his right side, stomping up to side kick his groin, shuffling in to side kick the jaw. (It’s a series of left front crossovers- left front crossover-knock him down/left front crossover-kick to groin/left front crossover kick to face).
1) natural stance, R footstep forward at attacker’s urging to R forward bow
-L forward vertical handsword as you pull back with R hand to break grip
-pivot counterclockwise to horse stance
-L rear horizontal elbow to attacker’s L kidney, R hand checks by face
-pivot clockwise with R rear horizontal elbow to attacker’s ribs, L hand checks by face
2) R leg steps back to 7 o’clock, straight-leg sweep against his L knee
-L front crossover, R step-through forward into his R as you
-shove with both arms, knocking him onto his back
3) L front crossover, stomping on his R knee, landing outside his knee (to his right), R side kick to groin
-L front crossover, R side kick to face
It’s possible to work in an initial arm break, turning your chopping (left) hand to grab his right wrist and returning your freed (right) hand around with an inward block/arm break at the elbow. Another innovation is to hook your right foot behind his as you step into him. It ensures he cannot keep his balance. That’d make the technique:
1) natural stance, R footstep forward at attacker’s urging to R forward bow
-L forward vertical handsword as you pull back with R hand to break grip
-L hand grabs his R wrist as you R inward block to break his L elbow (all still in R forward bow)
-pivot counterclockwise to horse stance
-L rear horizontal elbow to attacker’s L kidney, R hand checks by face
-pivot clockwise with R rear horizontal elbow to attacker’s ribs, L hand checks by face
2) R leg steps back to 7 o’clock, straight-leg sweep against his L knee
-L front crossover, R step-through forward into his R knee as your R foot hooks behind his R foot
-shove with both arms, knocking him onto his back
3) L front crossover, stomping on his R knee, landing outside his knee (to his right), R side kick to groin
-L front crossover, R side kick to face
• Also practice this from straight in front, instead of a flank attack; the technique can be easily adapted as you turn to the side. In that case the attack is a submission folding the hand straight back toward the attacker. It’s more of a Steven Segal sort of adaptation, and the original is more the sort of come-along attack you might expect if you were being arrested at a 60’s demonstration. In the latter (original) case, you’d expect the attacker to come up along the side, trying to get into your obscure zone, which is exactly what you use against him, twirling right through that into the first elbow strike. If the attacker does the flank attack, his left leg might (50% chance) be forward, giving you the opportunity to break it backward with the sweep against the knee. For that reason, if you are dummying for this technique, don’t step forward left, it’s just too dangerous. Come up the side with the come-along, stepping forward with the right, and letting his sweep hit your leg at the end of the reach. • The right knee step through of (4) has a few possibilities, it could be a shove, or a knee kick to the inside of the thigh, or best of all land with your foot alongside his to the outside, your knee inside his knee. This hooks your leg around his, just as in Grip of Death. A slight lean will take him down, without much of a push.• The side kick to the groin raises up his head for the side kick to the head, • Make use of the left front crossovers any way you can, if you can, stomping any ankles, knees, or hands that might present themselves. But if you have to go hunting for the targets, skip it and get on to the side-kicks.
(right overhead club/not released club)
If the left knee to the thigh doesn’t take him down, take out his base with a right knee inside his right leg followed by a right side kick to the left leg. Then continue on into him as you left step through with a left inward block against his stretched out right arm. As he starts to go down, your left hand joins your right at his wrist, and your left foot rebounds back, the wrist lock flipping him onto his back. Assist him down with another right roundhouse kick.
1) natural stance, L foot step to 9 o’clock to L forward bow
-R extended outward block to attacker’s R wrist
-grab R wrist, pull attacker’s hand forward and down towards your R hip
-R roundhouse kick to belly or groin
-L hand checks at chest
-land forward to 1 o’clock into R neutral bow
-as you continue pull with R hand past R hip
-L straight reverse punch to attacker’s R ribs
-straight L knee kickto outside of R thigh
-land back just outside of his R leg
-R roundhouse knee kick to inside of R thigh
2) R side kick to inside L knee, land back to 4:30
3) L step-through forward into him
-L vertical inward block at elbow as your R hand yanks him back, stretching out his arm.
-L hand joins R, grabbing onto his wrist, thumbs together, pointing up along the back of his hand, fingers on the palm side
-L foot step-through back to 7:30, using the wrist lock to flip him over onto his back
4) R roundhouse kick to face, land in R front twist stance
Larry Tatum teaches a version with a right step through forward after the left step through (with the inward block to the elbow), before stepping back with the left. This can server to further stretch out your attacker before flipping him on his back. • You can work in an arm break with this technique, by beginning with a left inward parry that turns to grab at the wrist as your right upward outward block strikes at the elbow. The danger, of course, is that you are pulling his club-holding hand in towards your face as you force him to let go of the club, and you could well get a club in the eye. You are also losing the directional harmony of parrying and pulling him in to the roundhouse kick. It’s a different choice, and if you are very fast, you could get all the benefits of all the variations, and still hopefully avoid the club in the eye. • The technique is bracketed by the right roundhouse kicks. After evading the storm, you begin to pay him back with the first right roundhouse kick, then after destroying his base and flipping him onto his back, finish him with another roundhouse. • The left step-through forward/step-through back serves to stretch him out, further destroying his base.
(tackle or low grab/getting up)
After the right chop down onto his neck, continue with your right/left kicks as you work your way behind him- adding a right roundhouse to near knee, a left side kick to the far knee, step into bringing him down with your right shin to the tailbone, and step back through with a right scoop kick to the groin.
1) natural stance, L foot step up the circle counterclockwise to 4 o’clock to R neutral bow (facing to 9 o’clock)
-L hand parrying his L arm past you
-R downward handsword to attacker’s neck
-L hand checks attacker’s L arm, R foot pull back to R 45º cat stance
-R snapping (or thrust) front kick to ribs, land slightly forward
-L snapping front kickto jaw
2) land in front of R foot to L front twist stance
-R roundhouse to back of L knee
3) L foot land to 1 o’clock to L neutral bow behind him
-L side kick to R knee
4) land back to L neutral bow, your toe/heel line lined up with his tailbone
-R step through into his tailbone, your shin knocking him down
-R scoop kick landing back to L neutral bow, lined up with him
After stopping him with the chop, the whole technique is basically just walking around to behind him, kicking right/left/right as you go. • You should be using a double factor block by now, your right inward hammerfist strikes to his wrist, and your left to his elbow. • You can make good use of the first right front kick as a thrust kick, turning him to face you for the snapping front kick to the jaw. This might be less advisable if your attacker is much bigger than you are.
(two-hand push/getting up)
After driving in with the right punch, your hands circle back out with a right finger hook to the eyes and a left chop to the throat as you left/right chicken kick, landing forward with a right hammerfist down through the face. The right foot rebounds with a front crossover to the rear (as you shoot back a right backnuckle to the face) and continue to the left straight back straight into the attacker with a left chop, right front kick and right uppercut.
1) natural stance, R foot step back to 6 o’clock to L neutral bow
-with R and L outward handswords to attacker’s wrists
-chop forward to L ribs R inward horizontal handsword (palm up)
-pivot counterclockwise to L forward bow
-L hand cocks to R ear, palm facing in
-L outward handsword chop to throat, palm down
- pivot clockwise L neutral bow
-R fist cocks to R hip, palm up
-L downward heelpalm to abdomen (fingers pointing R)
-straight R reverse punch to solar plexus as you pivot counterclockwise to L forward bow
2) R hand circles clockwise out through face, R eye hook to L eye
-L outward chop to throat
-L scooping front kick to the groin, land back next to R foot
-R front kick to R knee, land forward R neutral bow
-R hammerfist diagonally down through L jaw
3) R foot steps back to 8 o’clock R front twist stance
-R hammerfist back to face
4) unwind from twist stance into attacker to L neutral bow
-L hammerfist to heart
-step through R front kick again to R knee
- land forward to R neutral bow with R uppercut to jaw
The left hammerfist to the heart as you unwind into the guy could as well be another chop to the throat, or hammerfist to the solar plexus, if that works. • The technique as written presumes the attacker continues to press forward, to that unwinding from your front crossover to the rear finds him still within range. If he’s retreated before you, you could use a left rear crossover forward to catch up to him.
(step-through straight right punch/waist grab tackle)
After the thundering hammers to his neck and kidney, offstep with your left foot as you flip him over onto your right knee with a right back-knuckle/ gouge/ heelpalm. Your right arm whips around to hammerfist down to his heart then bounces up to ridgearm to the jaw as you left knee kick to the back of his head. Let him hit the floor as you hop around to land with a roundhouse kick to the groin and a right straight punch to the face, then step out over his face, taking any opportunity to kick the face and stomp the arm on your way out.
1) natural stance, L foot step forward to 10:30 to L neutral bow
-L inward block outside attacker’s R arm, on or above his elbow
-R fist cocks to R side, parallel to R thigh
-shuffle forward to 12 o’clock, drop to L wide kneel outside attacker’s R knee
-R horizontal ridgearm to attacker’s belly
-L fist cocks to L ear, elbow out, palm facing away
-L downward hammerfist to his L kidney
-pivot clockwise to R close kneel facing 4:30
-R fist cocks to R ear, elbow out, palm facing away
-R downward hammerfist to his neck
-pivot counterclockwise L close kneel facing 12 o’clock
-L hand checks his R arm and shoulder
2) L foot offstep to 7:30 to R neutral bow facing 1:30 as you
-R backnuckle straight through jaw, immediately
-turning R thumb down, circle R hand back up, pulling a gouging thumb through attacker’s R eye, as you L heelpalm check to his R shoulder, then
3) R shuffle in still in R neutral bow turning R thumb up with R heelpalm again to his jaw, as you
-L offstep to 6o’clock to R neutral bow facing 12 o’clock
-as your R hand pushes on his jaw, and your L hand on his R shoulder to turn him around to slam his spine down on your R knee
-whip your R hand back and around to R hammerfist down on his heart bouncing up to
-R ridgearm up to jaw, knocking him into a
-L knee kick to back of his head, land up the circle to 4:30, letting him drop to the ground
4) R foot hop around to 12 o’clock, landing between his legs with R roundhouse kick to groin and
-R reverse punch to face as you drop to
-L close kneel on attacker
-R step-through front ball kick to face, landing on arm or hand if available.
The right hand is pretty busy in this extension, and after the hammerfist to the neck, without interruption shoots through a backnuckle to the jaw, up through a thumb gouge through the eye, straight back into a heelpalm to the chin, then after flipping him onto his back, an immediate hammerfist to the heart and ridgearm to the jaw. • You might have an opportunity for a left sweep kick with your crossout.
(rear bear hug - arms pinned/ waist grab tackle)
After squeezing his peach and pulling him around to sweep his right leg, add a hammerfist to the groin to make him drop his head low enough to grab on and yank it into a right knee that straightens out to kick out his right knee, landing away to rebound, kicking him back enough to allow an inward left crescent kick through his face.
1) natural stance, L sweep step back to 4:30 through attacker’s R leg, to R neutral bow facing 10:30
-L heel palm claw to attacker’s groin, grab and squeeze testicles
-R hand checks attacker’s arms
-L step forward to 12 o’clock to L neutral bow, pulling attacker by testicles
-R rear scoop kick through groin
-land R foot with stomping sweep kick to L knee and leg
-R rear horizontal elbow to solar plexus
2) R hammerfist to groin, folding him up into a
-R backnuckle to face, grab onto the back of his head with both hands
3) yank his head down with both hands into R knee kick to face
-straighten out R leg with R side kick to his R knee
-land forward (at 90º to attacker) in R front crossover to R front twist stance
-R foot rebound to R back kick to solar plexus
-land back into him to 7:3o, pivot R to R neutral bow facing 6 o’clock
-L inward crescent kick through his R jaw, land L front crossover
Changing the rear horizontal elbow of (3) to strike at the solar plexus instead of the jaw can help fold him up for the backnuckle and head grab. • I grab the head after the backnuckle with my right hand to his right side, and left on his left. Other folks have used more artistic arrangements. Use whatever works for you to get hold of him. • The twist stance of (4) could be considered a left rear twist stance, since the guy is now behind you, it’s all in transition. • It can speed up the ending to think of it as all about spinning back into him with the kicks.
(rear two-hand pushing choke/front two-hand wrist grab)
The final left-hand stab of the Purple technique collapses into a left inward block against his elbow as you left step-through into him, your right hand grabbing his wrist to yank his arm into the break and a right knee to the face. Then land straight back from him with a left backnuckle to the face and again step through away from him as you pull him into a right backnuckle and finally grab on to his wrist with both hands as you step through away again to drive him onto his front. Left sweep kick through his broken elbow into a right spinning back kick to the head as you exit.
1) natural stance, L step forward to 1:30 to L neutral bow
-L hand pins attacker’s R hand, R hand cocks to L hip
-pivot clockwise to 7:30 to R neutral bow
-circle R elbow down over attacker’s R arm, pulling elbow toward R hip, finish pivot to R forward bow, L Kenpo hand stab to eyes
-pivot counterclockwise to horse, R upward elbow to chin, L check at chest
-continue pivot to R reverse bow, R rear hammerfist to groin
2) R hand circles up inward palm out to grab at his R wrist
-L step through forward into attacker, to L neutral bow with a
-L inward block to R elbow followed by a
-R knee kick to face, land back to L neutral bow as you
-L backnuckle to face, rebound to grab his R wrist with both hands
3) L step through to the rear to R neutral bow
-L hand pulling back on attacker’s wrist as R hand releases to R backnuckle to the face
-both hands grab to wrist, thumbs together pointing up along the back of his hand (your fingers and his pointing in the same direction), try for an elbow break as your right elbow pushes in against the back of his elbow, hyper extending his arm
4) R step through to the rear to L neutral bow
-forcing him belly down to the ground with the wrist lock, pushing your thumbs down against the back of his hand, possibly dislocating his shoulder
-L sweep kick to elbow, land L front twist stance
-unwind clockwise to R spinning back kick to head
The left wrist pull with the right backnuckle to the face offers a few possibilities. It will easily stretch the guy out, pulling him into the strike. If you can get a good grip, your left palm against the back of his right hand, you can force him off balance with a wrist lock, and better set up for a possible elbow break with the two-handed regrab. Here’s the secret, as revealed by Scott Gonzales: After the second backnuckle (R hand) to the head, while still holding his right with your left hand, tuck your right elbow down over his upper arm, pushing up with your left as you drive him down to the mat. Mr. Gonzales continues this, stepping over left into an arm bar to break his offending right arm.
(right roundhouse club/has not released club)
After stepping in to calm the storm, scissor chop his arm in the hopes of getting him to drop the club. Whether or not that works you step back out bringing his right arm with you in an inverse hammerlock, your right hand pushing down his shoulder to push him down forward on his knees. Hammer him down as you go up his left side with a left rear crossover. Bounce that left step back in front of him to knock him down with your right shin. Then step over his head, stomping down on his face and rebound that step, dragging your heel back across his face.
1) natural stance, step R foot forward to 11 o’clock to R neutral bowas attacker swings club at head
-L outward block at attacker’s wrist, R vertical punch to face
-pivot to R forward bow, L vertical reverse punch to ribs over a R inward parry
-pivot back to R neutral bow with R horizontal backnuckle, L waiter’s check (palm up)
2) L chop down on R wrist, R heelpalm up on R elbow
-L palm facing in grab his R wrist, and R palm facing out check against his shoulder
-R step back to 6 o’clock to L neutral bow, pushing down with your R and lifting with your left, using his arm like a tiller to force him to his knees
3) circle R hand around to R outward backnuckle to R kidney, as you
-drop to L close kneel, followed by a R inward hammerfist, then
4) R outward backnuckle to L kidney, with your
-L rear crossover up the circle to2 o’clock to R front twist stance facing 7 o’clock
4) L step out forward to 6 o’clock to L close kneel, R knee attacking the back of his L arm, driving him forward onto his face
-R foot step through forward to 7 o’clock, R stomp kick to face,
-drag R heel back through his face to R cat stance
You can skip the outward/inward hammers of (3) and go right to the rear crossover/ R backnuckle of (4). It’s faster, and a good idea if you don’t need to keep him down. It's better, skipping the figure 8. • The shoulder push of (4) would work just as well by yanking against the damaged elbow, pulling back against the hurt joint as you push on his hand, using forcing his arm straight to force him down. • The steps in and out of the twist stance might need a gauging step, before the crossover, and before the right close kneel, depending on the attacker’s position. • The right knee or shin attack with the left close kneel could take out his arm, if he’s trying to get up, or just drop on his upper ribs if you’re awfully quick.
(two-hand wrist grab/right roundhouse punch or bear hug)
Extend the drive into him with a left front crossover as you right hammerfist down on his ribs, unwinding to left heelpalm his face. Hold onto his face as your right fist circles around to punch down through his jaw, your stance dropping into a twist again as your right elbow follows through. Then unwind upward with a left uppercut through the jaw followed by a left/right chicken kick.
1)natural stance, L foot step forward to 12 o’clock to L neutral bow, outside attacker’s R foot
-R hand turns clockwise to grab attacker’s R wrist, turning his R arm clockwise to allow a L inward block right above the elbow, followed by a L vertical jab to face as you pull R hand free, cocking it to R hip
-L arm drops down and forward to check attacker’s R arm, pinning it to his body
-L forward bow, R vertical reverse punch to solar plexus
- drag up R foot to R cat stance between attacker’s legs with L outward handsword (palm down chop) to throat
-step forward to 12 o’clock with R foot to R neutral bow
-with R heel palm to chin
2) L front crossover to L front twist stance
-R downward hammerfist to R floating rib, L high check
3) unwind to L neutral bow with
-L heelpalm to R jaw, leave it there, brace L hand against the jaw to shove it into his
4) R hammerfist diagonally down through L jaw
- twist left down into L front twist stance as you
-R inward downward elbow to L jaw
5) unwind back up right into L neutral bow with
-L uppercut to jaw followed by
-L front scoop kickto groin, land back
-R front kick to solar plexus or face
There are several opportunities for extra strikes, an upward claw through the face following the right hammerfist, another hammerfist at the end as you land from the right kick, and perhaps a backnuckle as you cross out. They would all work, and just plain aren’t written in. • If your knees aren’t what they once were you might find it faster and safer to skip the second twist stance, and instead drop down into a left close kneel with the right elbow strike. It works for me. • You pass through a left cat stance on your way to the chicken kick and might find it useful to use as you learn the framework of the technique. •The last two kicks form a chicken kick.
(two-hand low push or grab/front bear hug)
The downward heelpalm claw leads to a series of right kicks, spreading him into the splits with ricocheting kicks between his knees, a hooking heel back in to his right kidney, and finish by shooting a back kick to the best available target.
1)natural stance, L foot step back to 6 o’clock to R neutral bow
-with double outward crane hook to inside of attacker’s wrists
-pull back to R cat stance, snapping R front kickto attacker’s groin
-land forward to R neutral bow with R inward diagonally downward hammerfist to L jaw, then R hand circles clockwise to R outward diagonally downward backnuckle to R jaw as L hand checks at chest
-shuffle forward with R upward vertical elbow, R front crossover to 7:30 with R downward heel palm/claw through nose
2) pivot counterclockwise and drop to R reverse twist stance
-R rear hook kick to inside L knee
-R front kick though R knee
3) R rear hook kick to R kidney
-R back kick to solar plexus, land forward
You will likely need two landings and gauging steps in amongst the four kicks – first after the roundhouse to the right knee, to get a better angle for the inward hooking kick. Then after that kick to make a gauging step with your left, aligning your heel to point directly at the axis of your new target. • I wrote the right knee kick as a front kick, since I find that has more power and lines up your own knee joint for more power. I believe that a front kick will always have more power than a roundhouse kick.
(straight left punch/getting up)
After the final kick to the left kidney, keep him down with four kicks- drag up to kick out his far leg, landing back with a left scoop kick and continue to spin counterclockwise to attack his back with a right side kick to the spine and a left back kick to the tailbone.
1) natural stance, R foot step forward to 1:30 to R forward bow
-with L extended outward block to outside of attacker’s punch as R handsword cocks, palm outward, to R ear
-R inward handsword to attacker’s neck with R neutral bow
-L horizontal inward elbow to L ribs with pivot to R forward bowas R hand checks attacker’s shoulder or upper arm
-L foot offstep counterclockwise up the circle to 4:30 to R twist stanceasL hand checks outward at attacker’s L arm as R fist cocks to R ear
-pivot counterclockwise to R neutral bowwith R hammerfist to L kidney and continue pivot with
2) R roundhouse kickto R kidney
-land forward to 1 o’clock, drag up to R side kick to R knee, land back to next to L foot
3) L step through back with L scoop kick to groin, land back to 3 o’clock, R neutral bow, continue spin to L with a
-R side kickto spine, driving him to his knees, land back with step-through to 3 o’clock
- L spinning back kickto coccyx
The whole ending takes place in the attacker’s zone of obscurity, as you spin around behind him with a kick to every step. The purpose of that first kick is to get him onto his knee, then each kick thereafter will flatten him a bit more until finally he’s face down after the back kick. • All of the landings are gauging steps and depend on the effect of the preceding kick.
(hand shake/getting up)
Extend your left leg from your knee kick to kick out his right leg, landing away from him in a front crossover. Unwind from the twist stance to lift him up with a right heel kick to the groin, landing in a step out, reaching back with your right to backnuckle his kidney and follow that counterclockwise path with two more hammerfists as you step all the way through with your left, away from him.
1) natural stance, L step to 10:30 checking to outside attacker’s R leg in L neutral bow
-as R hand yanks his still-gripped hand down and back, pulling forward him off balance with L inward handsword (palm down) turning into a check to his R forearm
-both hands hit forward using attacker’s own hand and forearm to hit to his own groin
-maintaining grip with R hand, L hand goes around outside his R leg regrab attacker’s hand through legs
-as R foot offsteps clockwise (back) up circle to 10:30 to L neutral bow as you lift up with L hand against testicles while pushing down R hand on attacker’s L hip, forcing him to turn around
-R step through knife edge kick to L knee, plant R foot back next to L foot, L knee to coccyx, straighten out leg to L side kick to R knee
2) land L front crossover, looking over L shoulder to L rear twist stance
-immediately look over your R shoulder and unwind to R reverse cat stance with a R heel kick to groin
-land away from him, back to 9 o’clock in R rear twist stance,
looking over R shoulder as you R hammerfist back to R kidney then pivot left as you
3) L step through (back, counterclockwise) to 9 o’clock, with L and R hammerfists through L kidney, landing in R neutral bow, facing attacker’s back
The ending extends the final kick into a sort of spiral away, taken with two half-steps, what is often referred to as quarter-beat timing. Each step, the left front crossover, right step out, and left step through, move you a bit more away from him. The heel kick and backnuckle shoot straight back, up your right side, then your reverse the whole spin, stepping all the way through with your left as both hammerfists circle through his kidneys. • The Parker version is much shorter, skipping all the hammers and ending with a left back kick to the tailbone.
(wrist lock, palm flat against chest/fighting from the guard)
The ridgearm to the groin continues up in a right outward backnuckle rake through his face as you left chop forward to the throat. It all turns left as your chop flips left (palm up), slicing left through the eyes, followed by a right hammerfist through the nose. Your right collapses to inward/outward elbow strike that cross back and forth with inward/outward (palm down) eye slices. Then the right hand claws down through the face as the left heelpalms to the jaw, as you pull back to a cat. Your right hand claws down through the face again as you scoop kick up and claw down a third time as you land from the scoop kick.
1) natural stance, (with attacker pinning your right hand flat to his chest with both his hands, and attempting to use the leverage to bend you down to the ground) R step forward to R neutral bow
-with L heel palm check to pinning hands and R vertical elbow to solar plexus
-drop to R wide kneel as R hands pulls straight down from pin with L hand still checking
-R upward ridgearm to attacker’s groin
2) stand up pivoting to R forward bow as you
-whip your R arm up in a clockwise direction to strike outward through his nose in a R outward raking mace
-as you simultaneously L chop (palm down) to throat
3) pivot back to R neutral bow as you
-L outward (palm up) eye slice followed by a
-R inward raking hammerfist through the nose, knocking him into
4) L inward (palm down) eye slice that crosses inward with a
-R inward elbow through face- this immediately reverses with
5) L outward (palm down) eye slice crossing outward with a
-R outward elbow through face
6) R foot drag back to R45ºcat stance
-R heelpalm claw down through face, pulling hand back to hip
-L inward heelpalm to R ear
9) R scoop kick up through groin as you
-R downward heelpalm claw through face, circle clockwise around back up to a final
10) R downward heelpalm claw through face again,
-landing forward between legs to a R neutral bow
The extension begin by replacing the blows to the knees with further efforts to move the attacker back, extending the effect of the ridgearm below the belt to the strikes to the face and neck. • One way to visualize the three pairs of slices and strikes following the chop to the throat is to think of the first pair wiping through the face together left, then they cross the face inward, then crossing the face out – left, in, out. The pattern of post-ridgearm strike pairs goes roughly right/left/in/out. • It would be possible of course to keep the slicing hand down for all three strikes. It turns up after the palm down throat chop because that flip into the slice is the merest bit faster than your hand going out and back in, palm down. • After the left heelpalm to the ear, the hand stays there, and you could grab on to his hair or ear or collar or face, holding him for the rest of the kicks and heelpalms, if you like. • There’s no reason not to make the landing from the right scoop kick into a scraping stomp down on the attacker’s left leg. In Larry Tatum’s version, there are no eye slices, the first inward slice becomes a heelpalm that resolves into a thumb gouge with the right inward hammerfist, and strikes again as a heelpalm, never crossing the face.
(step-through right overhead club/right-leg tackle)
Make sure you’ve pulled the club straight back out of the attacker’s hand as you land back from the knee kick so that you can swing it up through his face and down along his elbow, getting behind him as you whack in and out across his knee. Shuffle in with a strike upward through the groin and cross out as you swing the club back down on his neck.
1) natural stance, L step forward outside attacker’s advancing R leg to 10:30 to L neutral bow
-as you cross R wrist over L wrist blocking attacker’s R wrist above your head as he steps through with overhead club attack
-R hand turns clockwise to grab attacker’s R wrist as L hand swivels clockwise around to top of forearm as you continue the attacker’s swing forward and down
-L step inside attacker’s R leg to 1:30 to L neutral bow with L inward downward block to just above R elbow as R hand pull attacker’s R arm to your R hip
-R snapping knee kick to head, land back in L neutral bow
-R hand yank back on club, L hand check high
-R upward club through face, circling counterclockwise
2) L offstep to 9 o’clock
-R downward club through R elbow
3) R front crossover to R front twist stance
-R inward club through R knee
4) L step out to R neutral bow facing attacker’s back
-R outward club through R knee
5) shuffle in towards attacker
-R upward club to groin
6) R front crossover out to 9 o’clock to R front twist stance
-R downward club to neck
I like to continue the groin club strike on up, and then back down in front of me to strike to the head or neck. Some folks, Master Tatum, reverse the swing after the groin strike and circle around counterclockwise back down onto the neck.
(two-hand lapel grab, arms straight/right roundhouse punch or bear hug)
The outward handsword drops down to check low as you left front crossover (left heelpalm to the jaw) into him, landing with a right knee kick to his right thigh and right upward forearm to the jaw. Go to the right with a left front crossover that takes out his left leg as your hands claw through his face, and continue spinning right into a right back kick to the groin, collapsing him into a right heelpalm to the face.
1) natural stance, L foot step back to R neutral bow as the L arm pins attacker’s hands to your chest and R upward forearm strike to attacker’s elbows.
-off step L foot counterclockwise up circle to 4 o’clock to R neutral bow, with R backnuckle strike through the ribs
-clear both arms with R inward block, followed by a R outward handsword to throat
2) L front crossover to L front twist stance as you
-L heelpalm to R side of face, R hand checks down to his chest
3) R knee kick to his inner thigh, collapsing him to
-R upward forearm strike to his jaw
4) R offstep to 1 o’clock to allow a L thrusting sweep kick to L knee or shin,
-landing again to L front twist stance, as you
-R outward heelpalm claw and L inward heelpalm claw through attacker’s face to the R
5) unwind clockwise from twist stance to R upward stiff-leg kick to groin with a
-R straight back heelpalm to face
Make sure to leave enough room with the first left front crossover to allow the right knee kick. Think of it as one drive. • Landing from the left sweep kick is a gauging step. Make sure you land far enough into the twist, away from the attacker, to enable a good right kick as you unwind.
(step-through straight right punch/fighting from the ground)
As he passes out, roll him over flat on his belly, turning clockwise to pin him to the ground with your left knee. Then step through forward to turn counterclockwise and kick to his groin, then shuffling forward towards his head and bounce off of him and spin around a clockwise 3/4 turn, landing with a right heel stomp to his head.
1) natural stance, L foot step forward to 10:30 to L neutral bow
-with L inward parry to his R arm above the elbow as R arm cocks to the side, hanging down to the thigh
-pivot to L forward bow with R inward ridgearm to L side of attacker’s neck as L hand checks at attacker’s upper arm
-step-through cat R foot up behind attacker’s R leg to horse stance as you grab your R hand with your L, choking the attacker and collapsing his carotid artery
-step back L foot to 4:30 to horse stance as the attacker passes out
-drop attacker to ground, dropping R knee on ribs in L close kneel
2) wrap his right arm across his throat and push down on his right shoulder with your right hand as you lift up on his right wrist with your left hand to flip him onto his belly, face down on the ground
-pivot clockwise to R close kneel, with L knee drop to shoulder or ribs
3) L step through forward, landing by his L hip, pivot counterclockwise to face his head as you R roundhouse kick to groin
-shuffle forward to L close kneel, R foot again by L hip as you
-R knee drop on his L kidney or ribs with a
-R heelpalm pushdown strike to back of his head
4) push off from his head, leaping straight up to spin clockwise 270º, landing in a R reverse bow as you R heel stomp to his head
Beginning with dropping him onto the ground, each part of your response involves a switch of spin direction, clockwise/counterclockwise. Rolling him onto his belly is counterclockwise; clockwise spin to the close kneel drop; counterclockwise turn to the groin kick; clockwise leaping turning heel stomp. • You can work in a choke as you turn him, pushing down with your right on his right shoulder, and lifting up on his right wrist with your left hand. • You can also use a right knee drop after the right roundhouse kick to the groin. This might be useful if the groin kick makes him curl up rather than arch his back. In that case the knee drop would make him at least flatten out. Ideally, his most helpful response is the back arch, since you could then use that as more of a springboard for your leap to the spinning heel stomp. • Landing in the close kneel as you heelpalm to the back of his head, you might have a chance to left stomp to his elbow, or somewhere on his arm. That could be a mixed blessing, as it could disturb your balance if he yanks out from under. But you also don’t want him grabbing you. Of course, he might also just still be unconscious, which makes the whole thing safer.
(rear bear hug - arms free/waist grab tackle)
After lifting up his chin with the backnuckle, take it down with a hammerfist as you rear crossover back into him, leaving you in a twist stance with your right fist out to your right. Unwind back through his jaw with a right hook and inward elbow and right scoop kick, then push him back with right/left heel kicks.
1) natural stance, R foot step to 9 o’clock to horse stance
-double middle knuckle (dragon knuckle) strikes to backs of hands (R to R, L to L)
-downward strikes with both triceps (elbows toward hips)
-both hands grab R hand, thumbs on top, lined up with his fingers, and not past his knuckles (not touching his fingers)
-L foot step to 2 o’clock as R elbow tucks to R hip, and you twist the attacker’s wrist
-then R foot step to 1:30 to L neutral bow facing 7:30 as arms straighten in front, thumbs up, controlling attacker through wrist lock
-R snapping ball kick to ribs as you toss attacker’s arm down past right hip
2) land forward R neutral bow
-check down of attacker’s upper arm
-with R underhand stiff arm backnuckle to attacker’s head
3) R downward diagonal hammerfist through his face as you
-L rear crossover to 7:30 to R front twist stance facing 6 o’clock
-L hand checking high
4) unwind counterclockwise to a R reverse cat
-R hook through L jaw, taking his face down to
-R inward elbow through L jaw, taking head down to
-R snapping heel kick to face
5) bounce R foot back up to R back kick to belly, land gauging step to
-L back kick to belly
If there’s no change in range. the final two kicks could be a chicken back kick.• The basic pattern follows on from the spiral, winding up and spinning into him.
(rear two-hand choke/right leg grab)
After kicking out his right knee and landing into him with the arm break, continue on through him, crossing back to right sweep out his near leg, your right fist circling back through his ribs and whipping forward through his head. Lift him up with a right knee kick again to his right leg, landing forward as you snap a backnuckle to his face. Rebound your right foot circling back through his right knee, groin, and left knee, and out.
1) natural stance, tuck in your chin and grab both his wrists, L foot step to 9 o’clock to horse stance
-pull straight forward and down on his wrists, turning his arms outward so that his elbows become a fulcrum just in front your shoulders, lifting him onto his toes.
-R rear crossover unwind to L neutral bow as you pull with R arm, bending it, and push down towards 12 o’clock with the L arm, keeping it straight
-step through R snapping front kick to R knee, land forward to 2 o’clock in a R neutral bow as you pull in with your left arm and push out with your right arm, causing the L elbow to break.
2) L rear crossover towards 6 o’clock as bring up your L hand to pin his R arm across his broken L arm (switching with your R hand) as you
-R rear backnuckle through his L floating rib, and step out to
3) R rear sweep against his L knee, dropping him forward as you
-circle your R around to land with a thumb-down R inverted hammerfist to his R mastoid, as you land in a R reverse bow
4) R foot rebounds forward to R roundhouse knee kick to inside his R thigh, landing forward to R front twist stance as you
-R backnuckle to face
5) R foot rebounds back, contouring through as many targets as possible as it circles through a R hook kick through his R knee, through his groin, through his L knee, to
-land forward again in a R front twist stance
Many folks add a second backnuckle, just like the first, on your second landing in the right front twist stance. It’s hard not to. • The inverted hammerfist is the same as was used in Obscure Claw or Striking Serpent’s Head.
(hammerlock/ waist grab tackle)
Circle into him one more time, staying in after the right side kick, landing to a twist stance that unwinds with a right hammerfist down to his far kidney, a left knee kicks up to his chest, and a right knee kick that straightens out with one final kick to his left knee.
1) natural stance, L step back to horse
-with L rear horizontal elbow, which is blocked by attacker as you grab his R wrist with your R hand
-L foot step forward to R reverse cat to R thrusting back kick to ribs as you pull him into the kick with your R hand
-land into him to 7:30 in R reverse cat
-pivot clockwise to R forward bow with L heel palm to attacker’s R elbow
- L step through to a L snapping side kick to inside of L knee
-land with front crossover to 10:30 to R rear twist stance, looking over your L shoulder
2) unwind clockwise (to R) with a R downward hammerfist to his L kidney as you
-L knee kick to his belly followed by a
-R knee kick to his belly that straightens out to
-R side kick to his L knee
Some folks will add hammerfists to the knee kicks, and a right pushdown heelpalm to the final side kick and crossout. The strikes are used in other endings, and work well here.