
We recommend:

Our members are welcome to post their business or recommended businesses here. If you'd like to have a space in this section, it's free - just contact Melissa. We support our community!

Studio Schedule

This is our current weekly studio schedule. It is updated here within 24 hours as it changes. To view our calendar for 2012, click here. To schedule a private lesson, please call us at 626.793.2255.

If there are any classes or class times you'd like to see in the future, please let us know. We're striving to be the best we can be.

Map & Directions

Studio Services Overview

Our focus is on creating a safe learning environment while making sure those we practice with are always safe. A true martial artist has not only power and strength, but absolute control. With power comes responsibility.

Our studio is available for uses outside general daily classes as follows:

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us for more information, to provide feedback or to schedule a free introductory lesson.

Address: 915 South Fair Oaks Ave.
City: Pasadena, CA
Telephone: 626.793.2255
E-mail: karate at